An impassioned, darkly amusing look at how corporations misuse copyright law to stifle creativity and free speech
If you want to make fun of Mickey or Barbie on your Web site, you may be hearing from some corporate lawyers. You should also think twice about calling something ‘fair and balanced’ or publicly using Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. It may be illegal. Or it may be entirely legal, but the distinction doesn’t matter if you can’t afford a lawyer. More and...
Tabela de Conteúdo
PART ONE: Art and Culture: Use Only as Directed.
1. The Crusade to Lock Up Music.
2. Creativity and Captive Images.
3. A...
Sobre o autor
DAVID BOLLIER has worked for twenty years as a journalist, activist, and public policy analyst. He is cofounder of Public Knowledge, a public interest advocacy organiz...