‘For someone interested in practical present day robotics it’s a treasure trove. A book-sized Top Trumps rove across the technical domain, with each section containing a photo of the precise robot, an overview of its main components and some context for its aims and purposes.’ – Electronics Weekly
Robots exist all around us. They populate our factories, assist our surgeons and have become an integral part of our armed forces. But they are not just working behind the scenes – impressive inventions such as free-roaming hoovers takecare of your household chores and the i Pal is set to become your closest friend.
David Hambling reveals the groundbreaking machines – once the realm of science fiction – that are by our sides today, and those that are set to change the future forever. From the Reem robocop that polices the streets of Dubai to the drones that deliver our parcels and even the uncanny Gemonoid Hi-4 built to look just like you, here are fifty unique robots that reach into every aspect of our daily lives.
We:Robot examines why robots have become embedded in our culture, how they work and what they tell us about our society and its future.
Sobre o autor
David Hambling is a technology journalist and author based in South London. He writes for the Economist, New Scientist, WIRED, Aviation Week, Popular Mechanics and Popular Science among others. His first book Weapons Grade looked at the surprising military roots of modern technology, and his second Swarm Troopers examined the rise and future prospects of drone warfare.