Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Maps, Tables, and Illustrations
A Note on Maps and Tables
Part I: The Struggle for Belorussia, October-December 1943
1. Context: The Summer-Fall Campaign (1 July – 23 December)
2. The Kalinin and Baltic Fronts’ Vitebsk and Nevel’ Offensives (3-30 October)
3. The Western Front’s Orsha Offensives (3-28 October)
4. The Central Front’s Gomel’-Rechitsa Offensive (30 September – 30 October)
5. The 1st and 2nd Baltic Fronts’ Polotsk-Vitebsk and Pustoshka-Idritsa Offensives (2-21 November)
6. The Western Front’s Orsha Offensives (14 November 5 December)
7. The Belorussian Front’s Gomel’-Rechitsa and Novyi Bykhov-Propoisk Offensives (10-30 November)
8. The 1st Baltic and Western Front’s Vitebsk (Gorodok) Offensive (13-23 December) and 2nd Baltic Front’s Idritsa-Opochka Offensive (16-25 December) and the German Counterstroke (20-27 December)
Part II: The Struggle for Belorussia, December 1943-April 1944
10. Context: The Winter Campaign (24 December 1943 – April 1944)
11. The 1st Baltic and Western Fronts’ Vitebsk Offensive (24 December 1943 – 5 January 1944) and 2nd Baltic Front’s Novosokol’niki Pursuit (30 December 1943 – 15 January 1944)
12. The 1st Baltic and Western Fronts’ Vitebsk-Bogushevsk Offensive (6-24 January)
13. The 1st Baltic and Western Fronts’ Vitebsk Offensive (3-16 February)
14. The Western Front’s Babinovichi and Vitebsk Offensives (22 February – 5 March)
15. The Western Front’s Orsha and Bogushevsk Offensives (5-29 March)
16. the Belorussian Front’s Situation on 1 January 1944 and Preliminary Operations
17. The Belorussian Front’s Kalinkovichi-Mozyr’ Offensive (8-14 January)
18. The Belorussian Front’s Ozarichi-Ptich’ Offensive (16-30 January)
19. the Belorussian Front’s Parichi-Bobruisk (Marmovichi-Dubrova) Offensive (16 January – 23 February)
20. The Belorussian Front’s Rogachev-Zhlobin and Mormal’-Parichi Offensives (21-29 February)
21. The Liquidation of German Bridgeheads on the Dnepr River’s Eastern Bank (25-31 March)
22. Investigations, Recriminations, and Sokolovsky’s Relief
23. Conclusions
A-Q. Documents: Directives, Orders, and Reports
R. German Command Cadre in Eastern Belorussia
S. Selected Abbreviations
Selected Bibliography
Index of Appendix Documents