Through a fusion of philosophical, social scientific, and
historical methods, A Brief History of Liberty provides a
comprehensive, philosophically-informed portrait of the elusive
nature of one of our most cherished ideals.
* Offers a succinct yet thorough survey of personal freedom
* Explores the true meaning of liberty,
drawing philosophical lessons about liberty from history
* Considers the writings of key historical figures from Socrates
and Erasmus to Hobbes, Locke, ...
Tabela de Conteúdo
Acknowledgments vii
Introduction: Conceptions of Freedom 1
1 A Prehistory of Liberty: Forty Thousand Years Ago 30
2 The Rule of Law: ad 1075 60
3 Religious Fr...
Sobre o autor
David Schmidtz is Kendrick Professor of Philosophy, joint Professor of Economics, and Director of the Freedom Center at the University of Arizona. His articles have ap...