This bilingual collection in honor of the great scholar and writer Alexander Zholkovsky brings together new work from forty-four leading scholars in nine countries. Like Zholkovsky’s oeuvre, this volume covers a broad range of subjects and employs an array of approaches. Topics range from Russian syntax to Peter the Great, literary theory, and Russian film. The articles are rooted in computational analysis, literary memoir, formal analysis, cultural history, and a host of other methodological and discursive modes. This collection provides not only a fitting tribute to one of the most fascinating figures of Russian letters but also a remarkable picture of the shape of Russian literary scholarship today.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Dennis Ioffe, Marcus Levitt, Joe Peschio, and Igor Pilshchikov Александр Жолковский: От жизни логоса к логосу жизни Alexander Zholkovsky: From the Life of Meaning to the Meaning of Life Anthony Anemone (New York) “Dear Iosif Vissarionovich”: The Unmaking of Kalatozov’s Mountain Eagles David Bethea (Madison) Notes Towards an Evolutionary Poetics Mikhail Bezrodny (Heidelberg) «Против инварианта не попрешь» Alina Bodrova (Moscow) Неподцензурные редакции как подтекст: К литературной истории послания Пушкина «К.А. Тимашевой» Nikolai Bogomolov (Moscow) Заметки о песнях Булата Окуджавы John E. Bowlt (Los Angeles) Победы реализма Marijeta Bozovic (New Haven) “I’ll Permit Myself to Continue for Pasternak”: The Reflections on Olga Sedakova’s Long Modernist Century Oksana Bulgakowa (Mainz) Режиссер как звезда: Сергей Эйзенштейн в портретах и автопортретах Andrei Dobritsyn (Lausanne) От Варрона до Панара: Комментарий к «Обедам» Баратынского Alexander Dolinin (Madison) Вослед Жолковскому. Пять заметок о рассказе Набокова «Весна в Фиальте» Mikhail Epstein (Atlanta) Парадоксальные речевые акты в литературе: Трансформативы и контраформативы Stuart Goldberg (Atlanta) Creating a Sincere Voice: One Poetic Device in Pushkin’s Lyrics of the 1830s Vladimir Golstein (Providence) Sacred Violence in Blok’s “Dvenadtsat’” Mikhail Gronas (Hanover), Boris Orekhov (Moscow) Что такое семантическое издание и почему в будущем все издания станут семантическими? Aage Hansen-Löve (Munich / Vienna) «Scribo, quia absurdum» у Даниила Хармса: Трамвайные вопросы Leonid Heller (Lausanne / Paris) «Я–город» из стекла, или Прозрачность и зверь в романе Замятина «Мы» Yuri Leving (Halifax) Бомба Mark Lipovetsky (Boulder) Трикстер vs. трикстер: «Учителя» и «ученики» у Эренбурга, Олеши, Булгакова и Бабеля Igor Mel’čuk (Montréal) “Wordlets”: One of Zholkovsky’s Major Contributions to the Notion of Deep-Syntactic Structure Michael Meylac (Strasbourg / Saint Petersburg) «Индия пусть»: Обоснование чужой одушевленности Igor Nemirovsky (Boston / Saint Petersburg) Федор Павлович Карамазов — человек пушкинской эпохи Lada Panova (Los Angeles) Магия старинного слова: О любовной элегии Осипа Мандельштама «Tristia» Kevin M. F. Platt (Philadelphia) Dmitry Golynko and the Weaponization of Discourse Poetry Sarah Pratt (Los Angeles) Small Talk, Whimsy, and Gravitas: A Few Quasi-Zholkovskian Vignettes of Encounters with Lidiia Ginzburg Oleg Proskurin (Atlanta) «И бездны мрачной на краю» Barry P. Scherr (Hanover) Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: The Underlying Structure of Gumilev’s “Les” Wolf Schmid (Hamburg) Книга Иова в «Братьях Карамазовых», или «надрывная» теодицея Andreas Schönle (London) Structures of Time and the Topos of Ruin in Kira Muratova’s “Among Grey Stones” Thomas Seifrid (Los Angeles) The Paradox of Tolstoyan Interiority Igor P. Smirnov (Konstanz) Обнажение мастера, засекречивающего прием (Источники груневальдского эпизода в романе Владимира Набокова «Дар») Galin Tihanov (London) Organicity: From the History of a Discourse Boris Uspensky (Moscow / Naples) Из гоголевской антропонимики Ilya Vinitsky (Princeton) La Leçon d’Anatomie: Как царь Петр своих подданных от брезгливости не отучил Ronald Vroon (Los Angeles) “Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of Angels…”: Some Notes on Velimir Khlebnikov’s “Liminal” Neology Michael Wachtel (Princeton) Four Notes on Pushkin’s Prose Willem G. Weststeijn (Amsterdam) Can We Know the Writer from His Work? The Case of Alexander Zholkovsky Frederick H. White (Orem / Salt Lake City) Aleksei Balabanov’s “Cinema about Cinema” Aleksey Yudin (Ghent / Brussels) Символика пересечения границ в восточнославянских заговорах Andrei Zorin (Oxford / Moscow) Император или князь? (Комментаторская виньетка)
Sobre o autor
Dennis Ioffe is a research fellow at the University of Amsterdam and a lecturer at Ghent University, Belgium. He received his Ph D in Slavic Studies and Cultural Analysis from The University of Amsterdam. His previous teaching and research appointments also include The University of Edinburgh (UK) and Memorial University (Canada). Ioffe has edited a number of academic book-collections and has authored more than eighty scholarly articles. Marcus Levitt is professor emeritus of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Southern California and the author, editor, or translator of ten books, as well as numerous scholarly articles. Joe Peschio is associate professor of Russian at the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee and author of ‘The Poetics of Impudence and Intimacy in the Age of Pushkin’ (U Wisconsin Press, 2012). He received his Ph D in Russian Literature from University of Michigan. Igor Pilshchikov is research associate professor in the Institute for World Culture at Lomonosov Moscow State University, senior research fellow at Tallinn University, and visiting associate professor of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures at University of California—Los Angeles. He is the author of two books and numerous scholarly articles on Russian poetry and literary theory.