Professor Schaefer has more than twenty years experience in computer-aided design, engineering and manufacturing, both in industry and academia. He has been an active member of the design communities in the US, the UK and Germany. Over the past ten years, Prof. Schaefer has conducted research on product modeling, variant design, product life-cycle management, design-with-manufacture integration, standardized product data exchange and digital and virtual engineering. His current research focus concerns the highly topical areas of cloud computing-based design and manufacture (CBDM), a game-changing strategy and technology push to enable next generation computer-aided product creation in globally distributed and collaborative settings.
5 Ebooks por Dirk Schaefer
Dirk Schaefer & Graham Coates: Design Education Today
This book provides extensive information on the key technical design disciplines, education programs, international best practices and modes of delivery that are aimed at preparing a trans-disciplina …
Dirk Schaefer: Cloud-Based Design and Manufacturing (CBDM)
The book introduces the reader to game-changing ways of building and utilizing Internet-based services related to design and manufacture activities through the cloud. In a broader sense, CBDM refers …
Dirk Schaefer: Product Development in the Socio-sphere
This book provides a broad overview of a number of game-changing paradigms that are anticipated to reshape 21st century product development. Topics including cloud computing-based design, cloud manuf …
Lane Thames & Dirk Schaefer: Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0
This book introduces readers to cybersecurity and its impact on the realization of the Industry 4.0 vision. It covers the technological foundations of cybersecurity within the scope of the Industry 4 …
Dirk Schaefer: Entstehung und Funktion des § 9 ThürPAG Unmittelbare Ausführung
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Jura – Öffentliches Recht / Staatsrecht / Grundrechte, Note: 1, 25, Thüringer Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Beim …