Dolores Cannon, born in Missouri, USA, in 1931, is a pioneer in the field of past-life regression. After her first exposure to reincarnation in 1968 via regressive hypnosis (her husband, an amateur hypnotist, stumbled upon the past life of a woman he was working with), she began to specialise in the recovery and cataloguing of ‘lost knowledge’ and past lives, becoming an internationally acclaimed regression therapist and psychic researcher. Through the study of various methods of hypnosis, Cannon has developed her own unique technique that allows her to gain the most efficient release of information from her subjects.
The founder of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, Cannon now teaches her hypnosis technique to students throughout the world. She also frequently appears on TV and radio shows in the US and internationally to discuss her research. She has written a number of books about hypnosis and past lives, as well as other supernatural phenomena including UFOs and the predictions of Nostradamus, including Legacy from the Stars, Jesus and the Essenes and Keepers of the Garden. Her books have been translated into over 20 languages.
68 Ebooks por Dolores Cannon
Dolores Cannon: Between Death and Life – Conversations with a Spirit
Offering both comfort to the fearful and confirmation to the curious, Between Death and Life – Conversations with a Spirit examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms through hundreds …
Dolores Cannon: Entre la muerte y la vida
Entre la muerte y la vida, que aporta consuelo a las personas temerosas y confirmación a las curiosas, examina los distintos niveles de existencia en los reinos espirituales a través de los testimoni …
Dolores Cannon: Zwischen Leben und Tod (Aktualisierte & uberarbeitete Auflage)