In the Land of the Rising Sun, one Brit and his bicycle can get into a lot of mischief. Beginning and ending in the biggest metropolis on earth, small town farm hand, and part-time adventurer Daniel Doughty with his trusty steed tackle all 47 of Japan’s prefectures.
A tale of ups and downs in every sense where around each corner uncertainty awaits; mountains, bustling cities, nudists, language barriers, culture clashes, typhoons, humidity, the rainy season, volcanoes, sexy donuts, drivers of unscrupulous quality, grizzly bears, macaque-attacks, hobo-sexuals, earthquakes, battered communities, starvation, hangovers, dicey bowel movements, nuclear fallout, more mountains and an all round general fear of the unknown.
So saddle up or saddle down, this is Tokyo to Tokyo.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Tokyo, Page 11
2. Saitama, Page 16
3. Chiba, Page 25
4. Ibaraki, Page 39
5. Tochigi, Page 44
6. Fukushima, Page 54
7. Miyagi, Page 62
8. Iwate, Page 73
9.1 Aomori, Page 93
10. Hokkaido, Page 99
9.2 Aomori, Page 143
11. Akita, Page 154
12. Yamagata, Page 162
13. Niigata, Page 173
14.1 Nagano, Page 181
15. Gunma, Page 186
14.2 Nagano, Page 192
16. Gifu, Page 202
17. Toyama, Page 207
18. Ishikawa, Page 210
19. Fukui, Page 216
20. Shiga, Page 220
21.1 Kyoto, Page 224
22.1 Hyogo, Page 229
23. Okayama, Page 234
24. Kagawa, Page 238
25. Tokushima, Page 244
26. Kochi, Page 248
27. Ehime, Page 260
28. Hiroshima, Page 265
29. Oita, Page 272
30. Miyazaki, Page 277
31. Kagoshima, Page 282
32. Okinawa, Page 291
33. Kumamoto, Page 302
34. Nagasaki, Page 309
35. Saga, Page 315
36. Fukuoka, Page 316
37. Yamaguchi, Page 321
38. Shimane, Page 324
39. Tottori, Page 328
22.2 Hyogo & 21.2 Kyoto, Page 331
40. Osaka, Page 335
41. Nara, Page 340
42. Wakayama, Page 345
43. Mie, Page 353
44. Aichi, Page 358
45. Shizuoka, Page 366
46. Yamanashi, Page 373
47. Kanagawa, Page 376