My great aunt Elois usually didn’t wear her glasses, and she was not wearing
them that day in Dealey Plaza. For reading her Bible, she always used a
magnifying glass, and she called it her ‘spy glass.’ She searched every day
in her Bible for new scriptures to put into practice. Aunt Elois had her own
car to drive, even in the 1950’s.
Maxine worked as a volunteer at a local hospital gift shop. She always
remembered her many relatives with beautiful cards and thoughtful gifts.
Maxine’s father, Judge William Carey Graves, was a former Texas
State Senator. He was a wonderful story teller and loved to smoke his
special pipe. His huge collection of ‘National Geographic’ magazines was
started in the year 1911.
Sobre o autor
A former elementary school teacher, a cross country hiker and a quiltmaker. It took me 20 years to write my book. 10 years were spent walking from one library to the next to do background research for my book. I made it to over 432 libraries in that time. I also made a short presentation of my book to the Arkansas State Police HDQTRS here and it was a success.