A discursive-sociological approach to the Europeanization of gender and other equality policies. Using largely unpublished empirical data covering twenty-nine European countries this book adopts a pluralistic perspective to explore the complex and often divergent gender and other equality policy outputs of Europeanization.
Tabela de Conteúdo
The Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies: a Discursive-Sociological Approach; M.Forest & E.Lombardo ‘Going Soft’? Analysing the Contribution of Soft and Hard Measures in EU Gender Law and Policy; F.Beveridge Meanings and Uses of Europe in Making Policies against Domestic Violence in Central and Eastern Europe; A.Krizsan & R.Popa Changing French Reconciliation Policies and the Usages of Europe: Reluctant Europeanization?; S.Jacquot , C.Ledoux & B.Palier Using the EU to Promote Gender Equality Policy in a Traditional Context: Reconciliation of Work and Family Life in Italy; A.Donà Comparing the Europeanization of Multiple Inequalities in Southern Europe: a Discursive Institutionalist Analysis; E.Lombardo & M.Bustelo Swimming Against the Tide: Contested Norms and Antidiscrimination Advocacy in Central and Eastern Europe; A.Buzogány Use of the Europeanization Frame in Same-Sex Partnership Issues across Europe; R.Kuhar Is Gender Equality Soluble into Self-Governance? Regionalizing and Europeanizing Gender Policies in Spain; A.Alonso & M.Forest Prospects and Challenges for Discursive-Sociological Studies of the Europeanization of Equality Policies; E.Lombardo & M.Forest
Sobre o autor
ALBA ALONSO Ph D candidate in Political Science at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain FIONA BEVERIDGE Professor and Head of the School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Liverpool, UK MARÍA BUSTELO Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain ARON BUZOGANY Researcher at the German Public Administration Research Institute in Speyer, Germany ALESSIA DONÀ Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Trento, Italy SOPHIE JACQUOT Research Fellow and Scientific Coordinator of the Centre d’Études Européennes at Sciences Po, Paris, France ANDREA KRIZSAN Research Fellow at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary ROMAN KUHAR Assistant Professor at the University of Ljubljana and Researcher at the Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia CLÉMENCE LEDOUX Ph D candidate at Sciences Po, Paris, France and Junior Lecturer at the University of Nantes, France BRUNO PALIER CNRS Research Director at Sciences Po, Centre d’Études Européennes, France RALUCA POPA Ph D candidate in Comparative Gender Studies at the Central European University, Budapest