Formulating a strategy is one of the most important but also one of
the most difficult challenges faced by businesses: How may one
translate a concern into a structured issue and the hypotheses for
addressing that issue? How should one approach the designing and
executing of the analyses through which these hypotheses can be
tested, thus creating the insights from which new strategic options
can be developed? And how can one identify the ‘best
bets’ from among the many diff...
Tabela de Conteúdo
Preface vii
Introduction xi
What is this book all about? xi
Introduction to the Allware case study xxv
Part I – The preparation phase 1
Introduction 3
1 Day...
Sobre o autor
Eric Wiebes Eric started his career in the oil industry. He became a strategy consultant in 1990 and a partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants in 1996, advising both ...