Autor: Fernando Moreira

Fernando Moreira Pedagogo (graduação – formado pela UNG – Universidade Guarulhos); Psicopedagogo (pós-graduação formado pela FPA – Faculdade Paulista de Artes); Arteterapeuta (pós-graduação formado pela FPA – Faculdade Paulista de Artes); Especialista em Análise do Comportamento Aplicada/ABA (pós- graduação em andamento pela CBI of Miami) Atuei como professor de Educação Infantil e pude adentrar nesse universo onde a imaginação, criatividade e percepção andam lado a lado, nos enriquecendo como pessoa e como profissional. Ainda como professor, atuei em uma escola para crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, em sua maioria autistas. Pude aprofundar meus conhecimentos nesse transtorno tão complexo e, assim como na educação infantil, me abastecer de conhecimento, buscando sempre melhorar como profissional. Paralelo a escola atuava como Psicopedagogo em consultório particular. Hoje, sou um dos sócios da Clínica Espaço Transformar situada na região da Vila Matilde – SP, uma clínica multidisciplinar onde atendemos diferentes transtornos e dificuldades.

23 Ebooks por Fernando Moreira

Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies
This book gathers selected papers presented at the 2020 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’20), held in Budva, Montenegro, from April 7 to 10, 2020. World CIST pro …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies
This book gathers selected papers presented at the 2020 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’20), held in Budva, Montenegro, from April 7 to 10, 2020. World CIST provi …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies
This book gathers selected papers presented at the 2020 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’20), held in Budva, Montenegro, from April 7 to 10, 2020. World CIST pro …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April 20 …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies
​This book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April 2 …
Alvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Information Systems and Technologies
This book covers the following main topics:  A) information and knowledge management; B) organizational models and information systems; C) software and systems modeling; D) software systems, arc …
Alvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Information Systems and Technologies
This book covers the following main topics:  A) information and knowledge management; B) organizational models and information systems; C) software and systems modeling; D) software systems, arc …
Alvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Information Systems and Technologies
This book covers the following main topics:  A) information and knowledge management; B) organizational models and information systems; C) software and systems modeling; D) software systems, arc …
Cesar Collazos & Alex S. Gomes: Advanced Virtual Environments and Education
This volume revised versions of the selected papers presented during the Third International Workshop on Advanced Virtual Environments and Education, WAVE 2021, held in Fortaleza, Brazil, in March …
Fernando Moreira: As aventuras de Pluft!
Essa história é sobre uma ótima criaturinha chamada Pluft. Pluft vivia em um lugar chamado Confusolândia e lá não tinha amigos, pois ninguém queria ser seu amigo porque ele era diferente de todos. …
Alvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed of a selection of articles from the 11st World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, held between 4 and 5 of April 2023, at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, …
Alvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed of a selection of articles from the 11st World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, held between 4 and 5 of April 2023, at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, …
Alvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed of a selection of articles from the 11st World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, held between 4 and 5 of April 2023, at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, …
Alvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed of a selection of articles from the 11st World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, held between 4 and 5 of April 2023, at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed by a selection of articles from the 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’24), held between 26 and 28 of March 2024, at Lodz University of Te …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed by a selection of articles from the 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’24), held between 26 and 28 of March 2024, at Lodz University of Te …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed by a selection of articles from the 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’24), held between 26 and 28 of March 2024, at Lodz University of Te …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed by a selection of articles from the 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’24), held between 26 and 28 of March 2024, at Lodz University of Te …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed by a selection of articles from the 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’24), held between 26 and 28 of March 2024, at Lodz University of Te …
Álvaro Rocha & Hojjat Adeli: Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies
This book is composed by a selection of articles from the 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST’24), held between 26 and 28 of March 2024, at Lodz University of Te …
Fernando Moreira: Sork
Um convite misterioso une estudantes excepcionais de todo o mundo e os conduz à Escola Secreta SORK, cuja premissa é preparar jovens para desempenhar papéis cruciais no sistema de controle global. Os …