Tabela de Conteúdo
Microsimulation of household cycles.- Agent-Based Computational Modelling: An Introduction.- Socio-Economics.- Agent-Based Modelling — A Methodology for the Analysis of Qualitative Development Processes.- On the Analysis of Asymmetric Directed Communication Structures in Electronic Election Markets.- Population and Demography.- The Role of Assortative Mating on Population Growth in Contemporary Developed Societies.- An Agent-Based Simulation Model of Age-at-Marriage Norms.- The Strength of Social Interactions and Obesity among Women.- Ecology and Environment.- Agent-Based Models in Ecology: Patterns and Alternative Theories of Adaptive Behaviour.- Agent-Based Modelling of Self-Organisation Processes to Support Adaptive Forest Management.- Vampire Bats & The Micro-Macro Link.- General Aspects.- How Are Physical and Social Spaces Related? — Cognitive Agents as the Necessary “Glue”.- Agent Design for Agent-Based Modelling.