‘The lessons in this book remind us that we can–and that we
must–do better, for the sake of our children, their futures,
and the sake of our nation. . . . This volume is a call to action,
and I encourage everyone who reads it to take steps to ensure that
all America’s children are given an equal chance to succeed. We
must all work together to replace the cradle-to-prison pipeline
with a pipeline to responsible, productive adulthood.’ –From
the Foreword by Marian Wright Edelman, JD, President and founder,
Children’s Defense Fund, Washington, DC
‘Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice
appears at a critical time, when promising juvenile justice reforms
are underway in so many jurisdictions across the United States.
Sherman and Jacobs, and their impressive array of expert authors,
fill a significant gap in the literature, making the current body
of juvenile justice research and experience accessible to policy
makers, researchers, and funders, and doing so through a practical
and positive lens.’ –Patrick Mc Carthy, President and Chief
Executive Officer, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD
‘Most people have narrow views of what it means to be a
delinquent youth. In Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy,
and Practice, Sherman and Jacobs have diligently collected essays
from the top experts in the juvenile justice field who tell an
empirically based and powerful narrative of who is really in the
delinquency system. As this book makes clear, until we ask and
answer the right questions, we will remain unable to help the youth
most in need.’ –Alexander Busansky, President, The National
Council on Crime and Delinquency, Oakland, CA
A comprehensive reference presenting a rehabilitative, youth-
and community-centered vision of juvenile justice
Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice
brings together experts in juvenile justice, child development, and
public health to explore the intersections between juvenile justice
and needed development of programs and policies that look out for
the health and well-being of the youth who enter this system. This
timely book provides a usable framework for imagining juvenile
justice systems that emphasize the welfare of juveniles, achieved
primarily through connections within their communities.
A must-read for professionals working in juvenile courts and
within juvenile justice agencies, Juvenile Justice: Advancing
Research, Policy, and Practice reflects both the considerable
advances and the challenges currently evident in the juvenile
justice system, with an emphasis on the development and
implementation of policies that can succeed in building a new
generation of educated young people able to embrace their potential
and build successful futures.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Foreword Justice for America’s Children xi
Marian Wright Edelman
Preface xv
Francine T. Sherman and Francine H. Jacobs
Introduction xvii
Francine T. Sherman and Francine H. Jacobs
Contributors xxvii
Section I Framing the Issues 1
Chapter 1 A Developmental View of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System 3
Marty Beyer
Chapter 2 Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: Characteristics and Patterns of Involvement 24
Kristi Holsinger
Chapter 3 The Health of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System 44
Paula Braverman and Robert Morris
Chapter 4 Children’s Rights and Relationships: A Legal Framework 68
Francine T. Sherman and Hon. Jay Blitzman
Chapter 5 A Vision for the American Juvenile Justice System: The Positive Youth Development Perspective 92
Richard M. Lerner, Michael D. Wiatrowski, Megan Kiely Mueller, Christopher M. Napolitano, Kristina L. Schmid, and Anita Pritchard
Section II Understanding Individual Youth 109
Chapter 6 Race, Ethnicity, and Ancestry in Juvenile Justice 111
James Bell and Raquel Mariscal
Chapter 7 The Role of Gender in Youth Systems: Grace’s Story 131
Francine T. Sherman and Jessica H. Greenstone
Chapter 8 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth and the Juvenile Justice System 156
Laura Garnette, Angela Irvine, Carolyn Reyes, and Shannan Wilber
Chapter 9 Adolescent Parents and the Juvenile Justice System: Toward Developmentally and Socioculturally Based Provision of Services 174
Ellen E. Pinderhughes, Karen T. Craddock, and La Tasha L. Fermin
Section III Understanding Youth in Context 197
Chapter 10 Parents, Families, and the Juvenile Justice System 199
Francine H. Jacobs, Claudia Miranda-Julian, and Rachael Kaplan
Chapter 11 Violence Within Families and Intimate Relationships 223
Linda L. Baker, Alison J. Cunningham, and Kimberly E. Harris
Chapter 12 Making a Place for Youth: Social Capital, Resilience, and Communities 245
Robert L. Hawkins, Maryna Vashchenko, and Courtney Davis
Chapter 13 The Developmental Impact of Community Violence 267
Edmund Bruyere and James Garbarino
Chapter 14 The Right to a Quality Education for Children and Youth in the Juvenile Justice System 286
Kathleen B. Boundy and Joanne Karger
Chapter 15 Juvenile Prison Schooling and Reentry: Disciplining Young Men of Color 310
Sabina E. Vaught
Chapter 16 The System Response to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls 331
Francine T. Sherman and Lisa Goldblatt Grace
Chapter 17 How American Government Frames Youth Problems 352
Timothy Ross and Joel Miller
Chapter 18 Youth Perspectives on Health Care 369
Rachel Oliveri, Ila Deshmukh Towery, Leah Jacobs, and Francine H. Jacobs
Section IV Working for Change 389
Chapter 19 Youth-Led Change 391
Barry Dym, Ken Tangvik, Jesus Gerena, and Jessica Dym Bartlett
Chapter 20 The End of the Reform School? 409
Vincent Schiraldi, Marc Schindler, and Sean J. Goliday
Chapter 21 Collaboration in the Service of Better Systems for Youth 433
Anne F. Farrell and Diane M. Myers
Chapter 22 Getting on Board with Juvenile Justice Information Technologies 456
Stan Schneider and Lola Simpson
Chapter 23 Establishing Effective Community-Based Care in Juvenile Justice 477
Peter W. Greenwood and Susan Turner
Chapter 24 Better Research for Better Policies 505
Jeffrey A. Butts and John K. Roman
Afterword 527
Congressman Robert (Bobby) Scott About the Editors 531
Author Index 533
Subject Index 551
Sobre o autor
FRANCINE T. SHERMAN, JD, is a Clinical Professor and the founder
and Director of the Juvenile Rights Advocacy Project at Boston
College Law School. She is an ongoing consultant to the Annie E.
Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative
(JDAI) on strategies to reduce the detention of girls nationally,
and speaks and writes widely on issues related to juvenile justice.
She currently serves on the U.S. Department of Justice National
Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women focusing on children
and teens victimized by domestic violence and sexual assault.
FRANCINE H. JACOBS, Ed D, is an Associate Professor in the
Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development and the Department of
Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University.
Developer of the widely used Jacobs’s Five-Tiered Approach to
Evaluation, she has also coedited or written several books and
other publications, including the four-volume Handbook of Applied
Developmental Science.