This guide steers students through significant critical responses to the Victorian novel from the end of the nineteenth century to the present day.
Das E-Book The Victorian Novel wird angeboten von John Wiley & Sons und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
19th Century English Literature, Englische Literatur / 19. Jhd., Literary Criticism & History, Literature, Literaturkritik u. -geschichte, Literaturwissenschaft
Sobre o autor
Francis O’Gorman is Lecturer in Victorian Literature in the School of English at the University of Leeds. He has written widely on the Victorian period, including the books John Ruskin (1999) and Late Ruskin: New Contexts (2001), and co-edited collections on Margaret Oliphant (1999), Ruskin and Gender (2002), and The Victorians and the Eighteenth Century: Reassessing the Tradition (2003). He has also written articles and book chapters on Ruskin, Tyndall, Robert Browning, Tennyson, Michael Field, and Victorian masculinities. He is currently working on an annotated anthology of Victorian poetry (Blackwell, forthcoming), and writing more on Ruskin.