This book deals with teacher training for vocational education and training. In individual chapters next to the positions of relevant international organizations, donors and development banks, it also covers selected countries in their ways of shaping of Technical Vocational Education and Training and teacher training. The structure of the book aims at two objectives:
The book is meant to create a platform that supports a reference concept within international cooperation for the further development of Technical Vocational Education and Training andteacher training up to a higher quality and performance.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Introduction.- 2. Relevance of TVET within the Organizations Overall Actual Strategies.- 3. Actual Strategies and Development Trends Regarding TVET in the Organizations Portfolio.- 4. Place and Range of TVET Teachers Addressed within Organizations TVET Strategy.- 5. Relevant Models of Capacity Development for TVET Teacher Training Supported by the Organization.- 6. Actual Challenges Seen by the Organization in Addressing Capacity Development for TVET Teachers.- 7. Conclusions.
Sobre o autor
Frank Büning is Full Professor for Technology and Education, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Humanities and chairs the Centre of Teacher Education at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. He is a widely experienced international Technical Vocational Education and Training researcher. Currently, he is involved in a number of international Technical Vocational Education and Training research and development projects in Asia (China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia) and is engaged in UNEVOC activities as spokesman of the Magdeburg UNEVOC-Centre for Sustainable Development.
Georg Spöttl is director of the Steinbeis Center Inno Vet and Director of the Centre of Technology, Work and TVET (C-TAB), University Bremen since 2015 and Honorary President of the TVET Research Community in Germany (GTW). He was Emeritus from a Full Professorship at the University of Bremen (until 2015), and chairman of the Department Work-Processes and TVET and director andboard member of the Institute for Technological Education (ITB). He is a board member of
The New York Academy of Science. For more than 20 years he has been Visiting Professor at UTHM (University Tun Hussein Onn) in Malaysia. Since 2020 he advises the TVET research centre (My TVET) at UTHM. His areas of special interest are curriculum development for Industry 4.0, qualification research, didactic and teacher training and advisory assignments for government units.
Harry Stolte graduated with University Diploma in the field of Didactics of Technical Vocational Education and Training and since 1984 he is holding a Ph D in Technical Vocational Education and Training. The main focus of his work—integrated in international TVET cooperations—is oriented on subjects as Standards and Curricula Development, Development of Teaching and Learning Media, as well as TVET Teacher Training and on different areas of Technical Vocational Education and Training related to Sustainable Development. For about 30 years Dr. Stolte has been acting in the area of Technical Vocational Education and Training within international cooperation with developing countries, countries in transition and industrialized countries, responsible for the design, formulation, implementation and evaluation of international Technical Vocational Education and Training projects with priority focus on capacity building and competence development. He has main experiences in countries in Asia, South-East Asia and Eastern Europe.