From My Heart To Yours revisits the five muses: The Abyss, Exoskeleton, Equilibrium, The Unrequited, and The Mending. Each chapter metamorphosizes into a transformative periodical that illustrates the acceptance of growth. The Abyss presents the harboured scars of self-sabotage and emotional betrayal. Exoskeleton refers to the fragility of the soul’s exposure to empathic manipulation and the longing for inner requite. Equilibrium enlivens the spirit with the puerile charm of young love that invigorates virginal attraction. The Unrequited explains the lack of reciprocation in relationships and the silent disingenuity evident in unfulfilled promises. Conclusively, The Mending closes the book with the journey tenderly greeting its ascension with forgiveness. This last section entrusts the reader with courage and prepares them to move forth in the path of compassion and healing.
Sobre o autor
G.K. is a singer-songwriter and poet based in Southern California.