Autor: Giovanni Papini

Giovanni Papini, uno de los grandes escritores de la literatura italiana y mundial, nació en 1881 y murió en 1956. Poeta, crítico, periodista, ensayista, novelista, filósofo, la suya fue una vida marcada por un profundo quehacer intelectual y una incesante búsqueda de respuestas a las eternas preguntas que siempre han inquietado al hombre. A los doce años escribió sus primeros relatos, a los veinte fue profesor de filosofía moderna y a los veintiuno bibliotecario de Florencia, su ciudad natal. Luego, y a lo largo de toda su vida, fundó y dirigió numerosas revistas literarias, militó, junto a Marineti, en el campo del futurismo, el cual abandonó más tarde; criticó, polemizó, fue objeto de duros ataques, y, sobre todo, escribió literatura e importantes biografias. A él se deben obras tan relevantes como El crepúsculo de los filósofos, El piloto ciego, Historia de Cristo, “Palabra y sangre” (Las memorias de Dios), Cien páginas de poesía, San Agustín, Gog, y su continuación El libro negro. A los 72 años, ya ciego, le dicta a su nieta “El Diablo”, y en 1956, poco antes de morir termina el ensayo “La felicidad del infeliz”. “Si alguien en este siglo -escribió J. L. Borges- es equiparable al egipcio Proteo, ese alguien es Giovanni Papini quien, alguna vez, firmara Gran Falco, historiador de la literatura, y poeta, pragmatista y romántico, ateo y teólogo”.

18 Ebooks por Giovanni Papini

Giovanni Papini: Un Uomo Finito
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. No: io non ho …
Giovanni Papini: Dante vivo
‘Dio conceda che un po’ del mio affetto per lui si trasmetta anche a coloro che leggeranno queste pagine’.Pochi anni dopo la firma dei Patti Lateranensi, il convertito Papini dà alle stampe un libro …
Giovanni Papini: L’Altra Metà
Nel 1911, qualche anno dopo aver detto addio alla filosofia con Il Crepuscolo dei filosofi, Giovanni Papini pare farvi ritorno operando un’inversione di tendenza e pubblicando L’Altra Metà. Saggio di …
Giovanni Papini: GOG
La modernità, per i suoi critici, genera mostri: Gog è uno di questi. Un “cervello” dalla curiosità insaziabile, prodotto di un’America opulenta e barbara, che …
Giovanni Papini: Il libro nero
A distanza di venti anni, 1951, Papini torna a dare voce al miliardario americano Gog; gli resta poco tempo da vivere, ma la verve di quel fortunato libro uscito nel 1931,   Gog appunto, è …
Giovanni Papini: Life of Christ
For five hundred years those who call themselves free spirits because they prefer prison life to army service have been trying desperately to kill Jesus a second time—to kill Him in the hearts of men …
Giovanni Papini: Life of Christ
One of the most beautiful books I ever read about the life of Jesus Christ. Not a theological work, which the author freely admits, but one that brings the life of Christ vividly before your eyes. Th …
Giovanni Papini: George Berkeley, an intellectual biography
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: Dante Alighieri, an intellectual biography
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: Herbert Spencer, an intellectual biography
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: Leonardo Da Vinci, an intellectual biography
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: Friedrich Nietzsche, an intellectual biography
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: GOG
Asombrosos y mordaces son los relatos de este libro publicado en 1931, aunque el titulo alude a un personaje bíblico, en estas paginas Gog se presenta como un millonario excéntrico, misántropo y filó …
Giovanni Papini: Hegel, an intellectual biography
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: Hamlet
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: About Myself. My intellectual biography
Giovanni Papini, journalist, essayist, novelist, writer, poet, literary critic and philosopher, was a controversial literary figure of the early and mid-twentieth century and the earliest and most en …
Giovanni Papini: Gog