Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Counting, Constructing, and Controlling Populations: The History of Demography, Population Studies, and Family Planning in the Twentieth Century
Corinna R. Unger and Heinrich Hartmann
Part I: Producing Demographic Subjects: Transnational Discourses
Chapter 1. The View From Below and the View From Above: What U.S. Census-taking Reveals about Social Representations in the Era of Jim Crow and Immigration Restriction
Paul Schor
Chapter 2. “Reproduction” as a New Demographic Issue in Interwar Poland
Morgane Labbé
Chapter 3. Family Planning: A Rational Choice? The Influence of Systems Approaches, Behavioralism, and Rational Choice Thinking on Mid-Twentieth Century Family Planning Programs
Corinna R. Unger
Chapter 4. “Overpopulation” and the Politics of Family Planning in Chile and Peru: Negotiating National Interests and Global Paradigms in a Cold War World
Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney
Chapter 5. Revisiting the Early 1970s Commoner-Ehrlich Debate about Population and Environment: Dueling Critiques of Production and Consumption in a Global Age
Thomas Robertson
Part II: Demographic Knowledge in Practice: Transfers and Transformations
Chapter 6. “Counting People”: The Emerging Field of Demography and the Mobilization of the Social Sciences in the Formation of Policy, South Korea since 1948
John Paul Di Moia
Chapter 7. Laparoscopy as a Technology of Population Control: A Use-Centered History of Surgical Sterilization
Jesse Olszynko-Gryn
Chapter 8. A Twofold Discovery of Population: Assessing the Turkish Population by its “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices”, 1962-1980
Heinrich Hartmann
Chapter 9. Seeing Population as a Problem: Influences of the Construction of Population Knowledge on Kenyan Politics (1940s to 1980s)
Maria Dörnemann
Chapter 10. Filtering Demography and Biomedical Technologies: Melanesian Nurses and Global Population Concerns
Alexandra Widmer