′In the globalization ′game′ there are no absolute winners and losers. Neither homogenisation nor diversity can capture its contradictory movement and character. The essays and papers collected here offer, from a variety of perspectives, a rich exploration of creativity and innovation, cultural expressions and globalization. This volume of essays, in all their diversity of contents and theoretical perspectives, demonstrates the rich value of this paradoxical, oxymoronic approach′ –
Stuart Hall, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the Open University
Volume 3 of the Cultures & Globalization series, Creativity and Innovations , explores the interactions between globalization and the forms of cultural expression that are their basic resource. Bringing together over 25 high-profile authors from around the world, this volume addresses such questions as: What impacts does globalization have on cultural creativity and innovation? How is the evolving world ′map′ of creativity related to the drivers and patterns of globalization? What are the relationships between creative acts, clusters, genres or institutions and cultural diversity? The volume is an indispensable reference tool for all scholars and students of contemporary arts and culture.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Foreword by Stuart Hall
Introduction – Yudhishthir Raj Isar and Helmut K Anheier
Creativity: Alternate Paradigms to the ′Creative Economy′ – Rustom Bharucha
Recognition and Artistic Creativity – Joni Maya Cherbo and Harold L Vogel
Walking with the Devil: Art, Culture and Internationalization – Gerardo Mosquera
…But What Is the Question? Art, Research and the Production of Knowledge – Gilane Tawadros
Improvizing in a World of Movement: Transit, Transition and Transformation – Maruška Svašek
Diasporic Spaces: Migration, Hybridity and the Geocultural Turn – Keith Nurse
Creativity and Intellectual Property Rights – Jason Toynbee
Exile, Culture and Identity – Rasoul Nejadmehr
The Creativity of Evil? – Dragan Klaic
The ′Creator′ as Entrepreneur: An African Perspective – Paul Brickhill
The Turn of the Native: Vernacular Creativity in the Caribbean – Annie Paul
Creative Contemporary Design in the Arab World – Huda Smitshuijzen Abi Farès
Cultural Policing South Asia: An Anti-Globalization Backlash against Freedom of Expression? – Laurent Gayer, Christophe Jaffrelot and Malvika Maheshwari
The Struggle to Express, Create and Represent in the Balkans – Zala Volcic
Creative Economy, Global City: Globalizing Discourses and the Implications for Local Arts – Lily Kong
The Cycles of Creativity in the Music Industry – Peter Tschmuck
Creative Communities and Emerging Networks – Clayton Campbell
Creative Spaces – Nancy Duxbury and Catherine Murray
Literary Hybrids and the Circuits of Translation: the Example of Mia Couto – Stefan Helgesson
Emergencies in Digital Culture – Ivani Santana
Fashion and Ethics: Reinventing Models of Consumption and Creativity in a Global Industry – Mo Tomaney and Julie Thomas
Creativity and Innovation: the Role of Philanthropy – Diana Leat
Digital Networks and Social Innovation: Strategies of the Imagination – Eugenio Tisselli
Christopher Waterman
Closing Reflections
Cultural Indicator Suites: An Introduction – Helmut K Anheier and Michael Hoelscher
Creativity Indexes – Enrico Bertacchini and Walter Santagata
Measuring Creativity and Innovation – Michael Hoelscher
Regulatory Frameworks
Intellectual Property
Research and Development
Membership in Organizations
Places: Indicators for six cities
Creativity and Hybridity
The Blogosphere
Eco Trends and Innovation
New and Syncretic Religions
Hip Hop
Reality TV
Body Art
Web 2.0
Creativity, Innovation, Globalization: What International Experts Think – Helmut K Anheier and Michael Hoelscher
Sobre o autor
Yudhishthir Raj Isar is an independent analyst, advisor and public speaker who straddles different worlds of cultural theory, experience and practice. He is Professor of Cultural Policy Studies at The American University of Paris and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney. He has also been maître de conference at Sciences Po, Paris. Professor Isar is co-editor of the Cultures and Globalization Series (SAGE). He is a trustee of civil society cultural organisations and consultant to international organisations and foundations and Past President of Culture Action Europe. Earlier, at UNESCO, where he served from 1973 to 2002, he was notably Executive Secretary of the World Commission on Culture and Development and Director of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture.