Autor: Henry A. J. Ramos

HENRY A.J. RAMOS is president and CEO of Insight Center for Community Economic Development, a national economic policy think tank focused on promoting asset building and economic security in diverse, low-income communities. The founding editor of the Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, he is the author of The American GI Forum: In Pursuit of the Dream, 1948-1983 (Arte Público Press, 1998).

5 Ebooks por Henry A. J. Ramos

Frank de Jesus Acosta: Latino Young Men and Boys in Search of Justice
In "Message to My Seventeen-Year-Old Self, " Roberto Martinez, a California Correctional inmate, writes that he wishes he would have taken school more seriously. "Prison ain’t anything …
de Jesus Acosta & Henry A. J Ramos: Overcoming Disparity
Experts estimate that American taxpayers spend about $75 billion annually to support adult prisoners in detention, most of whom are men of color. Meanwhile, another generation of Latino young men and …
Henry A.J Ramos: American G.I. Forum
This book traces the stormy history of one of U.S. Hispanics’ most important but least known civil-rights groups-the American G.I. Forum-from its controversial inception through the presidency of Ron …
Rossana Perez: Flight to Freedom
"They had been massacred, assassinated. [The death squad] had pulled off their nails. They had been burned with acid … shot in the head." In a provoking, first-person account of the horro …
Frank de Jesus Acosta: History of Barrios Unidos
This is the compelling story of Barrios Unidos, the Santa Cruz-based organization founded to prevent gang violence amongst inner-city ethnic youth. An evolving grass-roots organization that grew out …