Ilaria Ramelli earned two MAs (Classics with specialization in Early Christianity and Philosophy with specialization in History), a Ph D (Classics and Early Christianity) a Doctorate honoris causa, a postdoctorate (Late Antiquity and Religion), and some Habilitations to Full Professor – Ordinarius (History of Philosophy, Classics, Greek Language and Literature). In the last twenty years, Ramelli has been Professor of Roman Near Eastern History, Onassis Senior Visiting Professor of Greek Thought (Harvard; Boston University), of Church History (Columbia), of Religion (Erfurt University, Max Weber Center), and Senior Research Fellow (Durham University; Oxford Corpus Christi; Catholic University, Milan; Princeton University). Ramelli is Full Professor of Theology and K.Britt endowed chair at the Graduate School of Theology, SHMS “Angelicum” University, the director of international research projects, and Senior Research Fellow (Oxford University Christ Church; Durham University, for the second time; Erfurt University, MWK, within a Forschungspreis of the Humboldt Foundation).She received, among other prizes, two Agostino Gemelli Awards (1996; 1997), the Marcello Gigante Classics International Award sponsored by the President of the Italian Republic (2006), ten SBL Mentions for for Distinguished Scholarly Service (2009-19), the inclusion in Great Minds of the 21st Century (2011) and in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2011 & 2014), a Marie Curie Prize from the European Commission (2016), a Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation (2017), and many other grants, awards, and nominations. Besides delivering lectures and seminars, including many invited and main lectures, and and directing editorial endeavours, workshops, seminars, and research projects, Ramelli has authored numerous books, articles, and reviews in leading scholarly journals and series, on ancient and patristic philosophy, especially Platonism and Stoicism, first-millennium Christianity, the New Testament, the reception of Scripture, ancient Religions, Classics, and the relationship between Christianity and classical culture.
23 Ebooks por Ilaria L. E. Ramelli
Robin A. Parry & Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: A Larger Hope?, Volume 2
This book aims to uncover and explore the ideas of notable people in the story of Christian universalism from the time of the Reformation until the end of the nineteenth century. It is a story that i …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery
Were slavery and social injustice leading to dire poverty in antiquity and late antiquity only regarded as normal, ‘natural’ (Aristotle), or at best something morally ‘indifferent’ (the Stoics), or, …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery
Were slavery and social injustice leading to dire poverty in antiquity and late antiquity only regarded as normal, ‘natural’ (Aristotle), or at best something morally ‘indifferent’ (the Stoics), or, …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: A Larger Hope?, Volume 1
In the minds of some, universal salvation is a heretical idea that was imported into Christianity from pagan philosophies by Origen (c.185-253/4). Ilaria Ramelli argues that this picture is completel …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: I Romanzi Antichi e il Cristianesimo
Ramelli undertakes for the first time a systematic investigation of the possible knowledge of Christianity in a group of novels, all dated between the first and third century CE, and belonging to geo …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli & Joan E. Taylor: Patterns of Women’s Leadership in Early Christianity
This authoritative collection brings together the latest thinking on women’s leadership in early Christianity. Patterns of Women’s Leadership in Early Christianity considers the evidence for ways in …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli & Joan E. Taylor: Patterns of Women’s Leadership in Early Christianity
This authoritative collection brings together the latest thinking on women’s leadership in early Christianity. Patterns of Women’s Leadership in Early Christianity considers the evidence for ways in …
Kathy Ehrensperger & Juni Hoppe: Constructions of Gender in Religious Traditions of Late Antiquity
This volume examines questions concerning the construction of gender and identity in the earliest days of what is now Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Methodologically explicit, the contributions an …
Marcin Kowalski: The Spirit in Romans 8
Kowalski addresses the Pauline understanding of S/spirit in Romans 8, as compared to the Stoic idea of pneuma. The author first analyzes the Stoic views on pneuma perceived in a variety of life-givin …
Marek Jagodziński: The Holy Spirit of Communion
Communion is a dynamic reality – love, unity of life, mutual penetration, the closest union. The Holy Spirit is the Communion within the Trinity and forms the communion between God, man and the world …
Stefan Szymik: Anti-Epicurean Polemics in the New Testament Writings
Stefan Szymik analyses New Testament texts in terms of polemic and anti-Epicurean rhetoric. To what extent and how did Epicurus and his philosophical thought influence the first Christian Churches? H …
Krzysztof Mielcarek: Ierousalem or Hierosolyma
There is no doubt that Jerusalem in the Bible is a city of great historical and theological significance. However, many modern readers are unaware that authors writing in Greek used its two names, Ie …
Krzysztof Kinowski: Bloodshed by King Manasseh, Assyrians and Priestly Scribes
King Manasseh of Judah is one of the most intriguing characters in the Bible. 2 Kings presents him as the wickedest of monarchs. In 2Kgs 24:3–4, he is accused of having provoked God to destroy Judah …
Piotr Herok: Marked Quotations from Psalms in the Gospel of Matthew
There are five marked quotations from Psalms in the Gospel of Matthew. These are: (1) Ps 91:1–12 in Matt 4:6; (2) Ps 78:2 in Matt 13:35; (3) Ps 8:3 in Matt 21:16; (4) Ps 118:22–23 in Matt 21:42; and …
Mirosław Stanisław Wróbel: Anti-Judaism and the Gospel of John
In the light of the research undertaken in this book the author concludes that the so called ‘anti-Jewish’ texts in Johannine Gospel are not directed against the Jews being an ethnic or religious com …
Adam Zadroga: Catholic Social Teaching and Social Entrepreneurship
One of the significant factors in the responsible implementation of social entrepreneurship is the appropriate shape of the norms and values that determine it. With this in mind, this book draws on C …
Krzysztof Kaucha: Ratzinger: Apologetics for (not only) Our Time
Defending Christianity in our time became unpopular, ‘private’, shy and… poor. Catholic fundamental theology – officially responsible for defending faith on behalf of the Catholic Church – is aware …
Piotr Kopiec & Marcin Składanowski: Christian Economic Heterodoxy
This volume could be written differently. It could present the Protestant theological view on the economy from Luther, Zwingli and Calvin until contemporary prominent theologians. Or it could be a de …
Joseph Verheyden & Andreas Merkt: Ancient Christian Interpretations of ‘Violent Texts’ in the Apocalypse
The Apocalypse of John belongs to the most puzzling texts of the New Testament. Historical-critical exegesis has been stressing that the book above all wishes to give a message of hope and comfort fo …
Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler & Gabriela Ryser: Reading the Way to the Netherworld
The volume focuses on the various representations of the Beyond in later Antiquity, a period of intense interaction and competition between various religious traditions and ideals of education. The c …
Marcin Nabożny & Marcin Wysocki: The Church in the Face of Crises and Challenges over the Centuries
Challenges, crises and difficult experiences are an integral part of our lives and an inherent element of every human being’s existence, in addition to being ingrained in the functioning of organisat …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: Origen, the Philosophical Theologian
How did Origen, one of the major Patristic thinkers, construct his philosophical theology? What are his main innovations in metaphysics, protology, Trinitarian Theology and Christology? How did he vi …
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: Origen, the Philosophical Theologian
How did Origen, one of the major Patristic thinkers, construct his philosophical theology? What are his main innovations in metaphysics, protology, Trinitarian Theology and Christology? How did he vi …