Jim Montgomery was the last championship quarterback of Martinville, Texas, and hes just returned home to mourn the passing of his mother. It is a bittersweet visit to his old stomping grounds, but things take a positive turn when hes offered a chance to coach the high schools new quarterback, which is a perfect way to relax before Jim takes the bar.
The outer fringes of a tropical storm hit Martinville, and in the process reveal a buried human skull. Suddenly, what looked to be a relaxing short stay in Jims old home town turns into a drama of mystery and scandal. Its revealed that the skull belongs to a man that went missing ten years agofollowing a mysterious boat bombing that left four Vietnamese fishermen dead.
At the time, the missing mans wife was the prime suspect. Now, nothing is certain. Slowly, like the buried skull, the secrets of Martinville residents are exposed. No one is what they seem in this once quiet town, and the more scandals revealed, the more Jim realizes he and his family are closely connected to what could land someone in prisonor in the ground.
Sobre o autor
J.R. Johnson graduated from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. He owns a manufacturing business that specializes in making rubber products for the oilfield industry. He is married with two daughters and lives in Houston, Texas.