Autor: James D. Henderson

James D. Henderson es profesor de Estudios Internacionales en el Departamento de Política y Geografía de Coastal Carolina University (Conway, Carolina del Sur, EE.UU.). Es autor de los libros: “La modernización en Colombia. Los años de Laureano Gómez, 1889-1965”, (Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 2006); “Las ideas de Laureano Gómez” (Tercer Mundo Editores, 1988); y “Cuando Colombia se desangró. Una historia de la Violencia en metrópoli y provincia” (El Áncora, 1984). Es coautor, con su esposa Linda Roddy, de “Diez mujeres notables en la historia de América Latina” (Aguilar, 2003); y coautor con Helen Delpar y Maurice Brungardt, de “A Reference Guide to Latin American History” (M.E.Sharpe, 2000). También es autor de “Meals by Fred Harvey, a Phenomenon of the American West” (Texas Christian University Press, 1969).

3 Ebooks por James D. Henderson

Henderson James D. Henderson: Colombia’s Narcotics Nightmare
This history of Colombia’s illegal drug trade–and of the extreme violence it created–describes how in the late 1960s narcotics traffickers from the United States convinced Colombians who had no pre …
James D. Henderson & Linda R. Henderson: Ten Notable Women of Colonial Latin America
In the seventeenth century, Catalina de Erauso, at age sixteen a renegade Basque nun, escaped from her convent and traveled to the New World, eventually reaching Peru. She became an outlaw and a cros …
James D. Henderson & Linda R. Henderson: Ten Notable Women of Modern Latin America
In 1930s rural Argentina, a determined fifteen-year-old left an isolated, poverty-stricken life to find her fortune in the ‘;Paris of South America’Buenos Aires. There, with few connections, little e …