Dr Qingbin ZHENG obtained his BSc in Applied Physics and MSc in Material Physics and Chemistry from China University of Petroleum, in 2005, 2008 respectively. He received his Ph D degree from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2011. His Ph D study was centered mainly on the synthesis of monolayer graphene sheets and their application for transparent conductors. He has published 25 high quality papers in top journals, including ACS Nano, Adv Funct Mater, Carbon and J Mater Chem. on advanced nanomaterials including graphene and carbon nanotubes. He is currently a visiting scholar at HKUST working on a variety of nanomaterials applications, including synthesis of graphene oxide, graphene-based thin films, graphene/polymer composites, and graphene for energy storage application.
Prof. Jang-Kyo KIM obtained his Ph D degree in composite materials from Mechanical Engineering, University of Sydney. He started his faculty careerat Australian National University (1992-1994); and joined the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) in 1994. Prof. Kim is currently a full Professor and Director of the Finetex-HKUST R&D Center at HKUST. Kim has been active in both fundamental and applied researches. His current research activities are centred on the development, synthesis, characterisation of structure-property relationships of advanced materials, including nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphite nanoplates, nanoclay; polymer-based nanocomposites; fibre-reinforced composites; thin films/coatings; transparent conducting thin films; nanostructured materials for Li-ion battery and supercapacitors; and adhesion and debonding in multi-phase materials. Kim has widely written in the area of fibre reinforced composites, nanocomposites and nanostructured materials, with over 400 publications including two co-authored research monographs on fibre composites (in 1998) and carbon nanotube nanocomposites (in 2011); and presented well over 50 plenary/keynote lectures in international conferences as well as more than 80 invited talks/seminars worldwide. Kim and his research team members have been honored with seven Best Paper Awards from various international conferences and regional competitions. He is the Editor of Composites Part A, and Editorial Board Member for eight leading international journals in the broad area of advanced materials and composites.
5 Ebooks por Jang-Kyo Kim
Qingbin Zheng & Jang-Kyo Kim: Graphene for Transparent Conductors
This book provides a systematic presentation of the principles and practices behind the synthesis and functionalization of graphene and grapheme oxide (GO), as well as the fabrication techniques for …
Jang-Kyo Kim & Yiu-Wing Mai: Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites
The study and application of composite materials are a truly interdisciplinary endeavour that has been enriched by contributions from chemistry, physics, materials science, mechanics and manufacturin …
Jang-Kyo Kim & Peng-Cheng Ma: Carbon Nanotubes for Polymer Reinforcement
Discovered in the twentieth century, carbon nanotubes (CNT) were an integral part of science and industry by the beginning of the twenty first century, revolutionizing chemistry, physics, and materia …
R J Arsenault & C P Blakenship Jr: MICROSTRUCTURE & PROPERTIES…(VOL 1)
This is an advanced text on the microstructure and properties of materials, the first volume of a possible 3-volume set. While there are many elementary texts in materials science, there are very few …
Jang-Kyo Kim & Peng-Cheng Ma: Carbon Nanotubes for Polymer Reinforcement
Discovered in the twentieth century, carbon nanotubes (CNT) were an integral part of science and industry by the beginning of the twenty first century, revolutionizing chemistry, physics, and materia …