Jasmin Peskoller is a researcher in the field of Foreign Language Education at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her research interests include cultural learning and global education as well as diversity-sensitive approaches to teaching and learning in the contemporary foreign language classroom.
For her outstanding research in the Australian educational context, she was awarded the Würdigungspreis by the Austrian Federal Ministery of Education, Research and Economy.
Barbara Hinger is Professor of foreign language education (Fremdsprachendidaktik) at Graz University, Austria. From 2012 to 2020 she held this same position at Innsbruck University, Austria, where she was head of the department of subject-specific education and the area of language education. At Innsbruck University, she established the Innsbruck Model of Foreign Language Education (IMo F) and worked in a multilingual team of teacher educators including the languages English, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Latin. Her research focuses on instructed second language acquisition, classroom-based language assessment and multilingual teacher education.
1 Ebooks por Jasmin Peskoller
Jasmin Peskoller: The Multicultural Classroom: Learning from Australian First Nations Perspectives
The scope of multilingualism and multiculturalism within societies is increasing on a global scale. As this is happening, discussions are emerging concerning the significance of including a variety o …