The Update compiles the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research and practice in one comprehensive reference book. The chapters are written by well recognized experts in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine. It is addressed to everyone involved in internal medicine, anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, intensive care and emergency medicine.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Biomarkers.- Sepsis and Infection: Management.- Severe Lung Infections.- Mechaisms of Organ Dysfunction.- Lipids.- Acute Lung Injury.- Mechanical Ventilation.- Protective Ventilation in Respiratory Failure.- Cardiovascular Topics.- Hemodynamik Monitoring.- Intravenous Fluid Therapy.- Renal Failure.- Abdominal Pathologies.- The Liver.- Neurological Issues.- Management of Burns.- Hematological Alterations.- Does Sex Make a Difference?.- Prognosis and Long-term Outcomes.- Quality and Management.- Disasters.