In this controversial manifesto, Jean-Michel Rabaté addresses
current anxieties about the future of literary and cultural theory
and proposes that it still has a crucial role to play.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction 1
1. Geneaology 1: Hegel’s Plague 21
2. Genealogy 2: The Avant-Garde at Theory’s High Tide 47
3. Theory, Science, Technology 93
4. Theory not of Literature but as Literature 117
Conclusion 141
Notes 151
Index 164
Sobre o autor
Jean-Michel Rabaté is Professor of English and
Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania. He has
published books on Beckett, Bernhard, Pound, Joyce, Lacan,
psychoanalysis, and literary theory. His recent books include
The Ghosts of Modernity (1996), Joyce and the Politics of
Egoism (2001), and Jacques Lacan and Literature (2001).
He has also edited several collections of essays, including
Writing the Image after Roland Barthes (1997), Jacques
Lacan in America (2000), and The Cambridge Companion to
Jacques Lacan (2002).