Autor: Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins

Jean Tren-Hwa (“Spring Flower”) Perkins was born in a dirt-floor hut near the Yangtze River in Hubei province in 1931 and was given up for adoption to an American missionary couple, Dr. Edward Perkins and his wife, Georgina. She attended English-speaking schools in China, and after Japan”s attack on Pearl Harbor, left China with her family and for three years lived and attended high school in Yonkers, New York. In 1945, she and her family returned to Asia, and spent a year in British India before moving back to China in 1946, where Jean finished high school and began college. In 1950, Jean”s parents fled China, leaving Jean behind. She attended Nanking Gin-Ling Women”s College and Chekiang Medical College in Hangchow, becoming a renowned ophthalmologist, researcher, and teacher in Shanghai and later Hangchow. She returned to America in 1980 and was a research fellow in several top laboratories at Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI), an affiliate of Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School. She died in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 2014.

4 Ebooks por Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins

Jean Tren-Hwa Tren-Hwa Perkins: Spring Flower Book 1
‘The story of one woman’s journey from poverty to privilege to persecution, and her determination to survive as history and circumstance evolved around her. Tren-Hwa (‘Spring Flower’) was born i …
Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins: 春花 vol 1
这个故事关于一位女性的一生,从贫困到丰足,后又 遭受逼迫。时局动荡,境遇多变,她却一直坚定地为了活 着而努力。本书描绘了在充满战争、革命,以及全球格局重建 的动荡时期,一个中国女孩的传奇一生。当事者的 回忆亲述,真实的家庭故事描绘,由当事者儿子娓 娓道来。’ – 《最后一班离开上海的船》(Last Boat out of Shanghai) 作者Helen Zia ‘一本不看到最后无法放下来的书 …
Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins: Spring Flower Book 2
At the height of the Korean War, with anti-American hostility at a fevered pitch, Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins’ adoptive parents fled China, encouraging their daughter to serve her country and aid her peopl …
Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins: Spring Flower Book 3
‘In 1972, President Richard Nixon visited China, bringing hope to Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins that she might someday be able to return to America and see her adoptive parents again. But the Cultural Revolu …