The goal of this book is to crystallize the emerging mobile computing technologies and trends into positive efforts to focus on the most promising solutions in services computing. Many toys built today are increasingly using these technologies together and it is important to understand the various research and practical issues. The book will provide clear proof that mobile technologies are playing an ever increasing important and critical role in supporting toy computing, which is a new research discipline in computer science. It is also expected that the book will further research new best practices and directions in toy computing. The goal of this book is to bring together academics and practitioners to describe the use and synergy between the above-mentioned technologies.
This book is mainly intended for researchers and students working in computer science and engineering, and for toy industry technology providers, having particular interests in mobile services. The wide range of authors of this book will help the various communities understand both specific and common problems. This book facilities software developers and researchers to become more aware of this challenging research opportunity. As well, the book is soliciting shall provide valuable strategic outlook on the emerging toy industry.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction.- Pokémon Go: Marketing Implications for Mobile Video Game.- A Survey on Purchase Intention of Hello Barbie in Brazil and Argentina.- Designing Hand Tracked Exergames with Virtual Toys.- Robot toys for children with disabilities.- Towards a Privacy Rule Conceptual Model for Smart Toys.- Designing for Parental Control: enriching usability and accessibility in the context of Smart Toys.- Threat Analysis of Smart Home Network with Vulnerable Dynamic Agents.- Privacy Preservation Framework for Smart Connected Toys.