A Different Light is a first-person novel written from the pages of the authors diary during her years tour of duty in Da Nang, Vietnam from October 1967 to October 1968. Hired by the Red Cross, she worked on the III Marine Amphibious Force, headquarters for the First and Third Marine Divisions. There she delivered hundreds of death-and-disaster messages as well as being available 24/7 for emotional support during a war no one understood. Long hours at work and exposure to the War...
A Different Light is a first-person novel written from the pages of the authors diary during her years tour of duty in Da Nang, Vietnam from October 1967 to October 1968. Hired by the Red Cross, she worked on the III Marine Amphibious Force, headquarters for the First and Third Marine Divisions. There she delivered hundreds of death-and-disaster messages as well as being available 24/7 for emotional support during a war no one understood. Long hours at work and exposure to the Wars ugliness at its height proved to be costly on her stamina and compassion. She saw death, decay, beauty and newness, first love and hate, and marveled at the extremes all lived under. She witnessed survival tactics used by civilians, the military and even herself in a thankless, unappreciated, poorly run and ultimately, forsaken war. Everyone was confused by the Wars politics, lack of emotional support from home, the inability to get ahead and the ultimate sacrifices so many gave for what was thought as Freedom for the Oppressed. It was time to grow up. Jenny was born in Southern California in 1944. Life was normal for her and her two brothers but when her mother died when Jenny was three years old, life became bleak at the hands of the wicked stepmother of the West. Graduation from Hi School in 1962, college in 1966 with a Sociology degree, Jenny volunteered to work as a counselor and bookkeeper for the Red Cross. She spent six months in Southern California, a year in Vietnam, nine months in San Francisco, two years in Germany and finally back to work on a Naval Base in the Pacific Northwest. Here she found love for the beautiful ever-green countryside, the marine atmosphere of Puget Sound and a Navy man. Now married for thirty-eight years, she has three handsome sons, three beautiful daughters-in-law and three adorable grandchildren. Jenny loves her family, horses, fishing, boating, the mountains, and the saltwater. She remains active in her community by selling real estate as well as reading, working in her garden, and making new friends.