`As a doctoral student, currently writing a dissertation which focuses on inclusive education, I found this an excellent supportive resource. It brings together the major theorists of the last 20 years and very importantly highlights the perceived change in Mary Warnock′s stance towards statementing since the late 1970s. This element of change in the individual, society and policy is an issue which runs through the book and from an emancipatory and postmodernist stance is a vital inclusion. The inclusion of personal reflections greatly adds to the text, instilling a confidence in the student that there is value in being a person with a point of view. For me the publication of the book comes after my own critical analysis of the literature. From a purely selfish aspect, I wish it had been published earlier in my studies. An excellent resource that I would thoroughly recommend –
Amazon Review
This book traces the major stages of thinking in the development of inclusive education. It provides overviews of the main theoretical influences: the medico-psychological model; sociological positions; curriculum studies; school effectiveness and the impact upon policy and practice of the Disability Movement. Positioned and discussed in their historical contexts the book provides a synopsis and critique of the last 50 years of the 20th century, including the introduction of the term ′special educational needs′, the practice of integration and the present processes of inclusive education.
The unique features of this book include personal reflections by a number of people who are considered to have had a major influence in the development of Inclusive Education. Summaries of their work, their writing and their thinking are provided – drawn from interviews with them and their own publications.
The book identifies and embraces some major issues. It does so bearing in mind the interests and perspectives of students working within Inclusive education studies and presents some complex issues in an accessible format with a direct style. Linking directly to the student experience, the book concludes with examples of how students have used theories on inclusive education to inform their reflections on practice. The book throughout is deliberately learner-friendly, using sample- group activities and suggested readings, and is designed to be an effective course reader.
Tabela de Conteúdo
London 1978
Sheffield 2000
Constructing Difference and Difficulty
Exploring Perspectives on Inclusion
Some Key Perspectives
The Psycho-Medical Legacy
The Sociological Response
Curricular Approaches
School Improvement Strategies
Disability Studies Critique
Powerful Coalitions
Mel Ainscow
Julie Allan
Colin Barnes
Len Barton
Douglas Biklen
Tony Booth
Peter Clough
Jenny Corbett
Mairian Corker
Harry Daniels
Alan Dyson
Lani Florian
Sally French
Gillian Fulcher
Bob Lingard
Peter Mittler
Brahm Norwich
Mike Oliver
Patricia Potts
Sheila Riddell
Roger Slee
Sally Tomlinson
Klaus Wedell
Why Relate Theory to Practice
Developing an Inclusive Ethos
Mainstreaming Students with Autism or Asperger′s Syndrome
The Philosophy, Policy and Management of Inclusion
Reconciling Policy and Practice in Inclusive Education
Inclusion in the Early Years Curriculum
Labelling and Social Exclusion
Gender and Special Education
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Social Exclusion
Inclusion and School Effectiveness
Raising Standards for All
School Effectiveness
A Comparison Between Two Schools
Curriculum and Pedagogy
The Literacy Hour
Curriculum and Pedagogy for Diversity
Continuing the Dialogue
Sobre o autor
Peter Clough is Professor of Education at the University of Brighton. Often using innovative, arts-based qualitative methodologies, his research is concerned particularly with the inclusion of marginalised voices, and spans all age phases. Among his many publications are Inclusion in the Early Years (Sage), and Narratives and Fictions in Educational Research (OUP). Recent research includes the Family Literacy in Prisons project in collaboration with the Prison Advice and Care Trust.