So complete and accessible are the scientific contradictions of global warming dogma that it is astounding how belief in it has overcome both reason and freedom of expression. The edifice of man made global warming dogma should collapse with the exposure of its scientific falsehoods. These are scrupulously examined in this best selling book.
Further addition of atmospheric CO2 will not cause rise in global warming. At concentrations far lower than today’s CO2 has absorbed all available radiation from the Earth’s surface. Adding more makes no difference. This has been known for over 50 years but has been suppressed or distorted There has been no abnormal rise temperature since we left the Little Ice Age in 1850 – it has fallen 0.16C0 since 1998. Rise of CO2 has no correlation with variations in temperature unlike the cycles of the Sun’s activity and large oceanic shifts. CO2 is not a pollutant but life giving. It is the provider of all the oxygen we breath and the food of all plants.
This book explains how climate change dogma was conceived and propagated under a cloak of authority borrowed from the UN. It shows how a culture of guilt and fear has been deliberately fostered. The aim of all this is to be judged by the effect. Net Zero will overthrow the energy base of free economies changing the entire social order with fundamental re-distribution of wealth.
The single issue cult of climate change has usurped the natural wish of all of us to care for our planet, to restore what is despoiled and not inflict harm. It has abused science whilst denying any contrary opinion, scorning and vilifying those who question its visions of doom.
Our UK National Grid estimates the cost of Net Zero at £3 trn – £3, 000, 000, 000, 000. It is an illusion to suppose that solar and wind can come near to meeting our constant and justified energy needs. The staggering cost is beginning to fall on all of us. All for a hypothesis which is false. Nature is not deceived but we cannot wait for the next generation to realise that there is nothing to fear.
Sobre o autor
JEREMY NIEBOER was educated at Harrow School and Oriel College Oxford. After a period practising as a member of the Bar in Kings Bench Walk he was later admitted as a solicitor becoming a partner in two City law firms. He specialised in corporate work, including mergers and acquisitions, capital market public offerings, private equity transactions and commercial law. He still acts for a few long-standing clients. His first encounter with any challenge to the accepted doctrine of ‘global warming’ came through his contact with Christopher Booker, whom Jeremy first met when acting as lead solicitor on the application by Lord Rees-Mogg to restrain ratification of the Maastricht Treaty. Christopher himself published his essential work ‘The Real Global Warming Disaster’ in 2009. Just at the time of its publication, there was a public meeting in Church House addressed by Professor Plimer in which he succinctly set out the fundamental scientific flaws of alleged CO2 driven global warming. It was this that set Jeremy on a path of enquiry and research. Jeremy has since spoken at numerous meetings as to the want of any tenable scientific basis for the vast proposed expenditure on the folly of de-carbonisation. He published his first booklet on climate alarmism with the Bruges Group in 2010, ‘A Lesson in Democracy’, and has been a lead speaker at public meetings and debates on the subject.