This is a book of different verses that you may enjoy while sitting quietly with your God. Included are some of the authors favourite verses.
God Bless You Today – and in the days, weeks, months, years to come.
Amen. Jesus is Lord. Of All The Earth
Tabela de Conteúdo
1 Introduction
2 When I am with You God.
4 Birds of a Feather
5 Hello! Hello!
6 God made Mothers
7 Lost Love
9 Unborn Child
10 A New Life is in You.
11 Find Time to Smell The Roses
12 Little One
13 She was my Friend.
14 Golden Doorway
15 Pleasure
16 Psalm: 18 v 11.
17 The Clown.
18 Jesus is Coming
19 You Asked if Jesus is God?
20 Little Children Come to Jesus.
21 Lost Land of Teaspoons & Socks.
22 Pilgrims on a Journey
23 Prayer is the Key.
24 Spirit Wind Of God
25 To Belong.
26 Grow Strong like an Eagle.
27 Why Flowers God?
28 About Jesus.
29 What is Time?
30 Jesus
31 Thoughts are Thoughts
32 For Young Men & Women
33 It was a wonderful feeling
34 Ministry.
35 Are You a Ripple on a Pond.?
36 Her Name was ?
38 Flowers for The Altar
39 They Wept.
40 Message from God
41 The Times They Are a’ Changing.
42 Three In One
44 What to Write?
46 A Night Flower
47 Drawing of Angel
48 To be a Christian
49 My Testimony
50 Letter to God
51 Do not be Flippant
52 Where is that Special Place ?
54 Please Listen with your Heart.
56 Christians as Pilgrims
58 Forgive Me
59 Let your Spirit Soar
60 Hallelujah, Hallelujah
61 God’s Love
62 Good Shepherd Picture
Sobre o autor
The Author Jessie Larman was born in England. Was married in 1958 and emigrated to Australia in 1973 with her Husband Patrick Larman and their three young children.She is a Christian and Naturalized Australian Citizen, is fortunate to have Grandchildren, also Great Grandchildren.Was healed of an incurable disease in 1984 in Perth, Western Australia.The Author at the moment is living in Carnarvon, North West Australiaat her Carnarvon Art Studio.Is involved with Writing, Art Work plus Desktop Publishing, Oil Painting etc., .