Jimoh Amzat holds a Ph D (Sociology with specialization in medical sociology) from University of Ibadan, Nigeria and a joint Master of Bioethics from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Radboud University, Nijmegen, Holland; and University of Padua, Italy. His major areas of interest include medical sociology, bioethics and social problems. He is a recipient of Erasmus Mundus scholarship (Europe) and Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship (Germany). He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS), Nigeria. He has also served as a guest lecturer at the University of Bielefeld (Germany) and EHESP School of Public Health, Rennes, France. His research work focuses on the African context of various health issues. Since 2005, Amzat has published books and numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals. His recent book, entitled Medical Sociology in Africa (Springer: 2014), presents core issues in medical sociology with social dimensions of health and illness in Africa.
Oliver Razum, Dr. med, MSc Epidemiology, is full professor and Dean of the School of Public Health, Bielefeld University, Germany, where he also heads the Department of Epidemiology & International Public Health. His main research field is social epidemiology with a particular focus on the health of immigrants, and on the role of contextual factors in the production of health inequalities. Before moving into epidemiology, Oliver Razum has worked as district medical officer in Zimbabwe. He has published over 180 scientific papers and numerous book chapters. Recent book publications he co-authored orco-edited are “Global Health: Gesundheit und Gerechtigkeit” (with Hajo Zeeb, Olaf Müller & Albrecht Jahn. Huber, Bern: 2014); “Medical Sociology in Africa” (with Jimoh Amzat. Springer, Cham: 2014); „Public Health (with Matthias Egger. De Gruyter, Berlin: 2014); and “Handbuch Gesundheitswissenschaften” (with Klaus Hurrelmann. Beltz-Juventa, Weinheim: 2012).
6 Ebooks por Jimoh Amzat
Jimoh Amzat & Oliver Razum: Medical Sociology in Africa
This book presents a comprehensive discussion of classical ideas, core topics, currents and detailed theoretical underpinnings in medical sociology. It is a globally renowned source and reference for …
Jimoh Amzat & Oliver Razum: Towards a Sociology of Health Discourse in Africa
This book discusses fundamental discourses relating to health in Africa arising out of the consequences of endemic diseases in Africa. It identifies, explains and illustrates the contexts, challenges …
Jimoh Amzat & Ilufoye S. Ogundiya: Assessment of Democratic Trends In Nigera
The emergence of democratic rule in Nigeria since 1999 brought a lot of aspirations/hope for the fragile state. There are still controversies on whether Nigeria is truly operating democray or civil r …
Jimoh Amzat & Oliver Razum: Globalization, Health and the Global South
Globalization is a form of social change, reshaping the socio-spatial milieu in which humans strive, and in which health and disease are managed and controlled. And yet the effects of globalization a …
Jimoh Amzat & Oliver Razum: Globalization, Health and the Global South
Globalization is a form of social change, reshaping the socio-spatial milieu in which humans strive, and in which health and disease are managed and controlled. And yet the effects of globalization a …
Ali Arazeem Abdullahi & Usman A. Raheem: Managing Contemporary Security Challenges in Nigeria
This book covers a wide range of security issues in Nigeria, including insurgency, terrorism, herder-farmer conflicts, military reforms and internal security, the Nigeria Police Force and security ma …