Autor: Joachim Weickert

Joachim Weickert is Full Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at    Saarland University (Saarbr/”ucken, Germany) where he heads the Mathematical    Image Analysis Group. He performs research in image processing, computer    vision and scientific computing, focusing on techniques based on partial    differential equations and variational methods.     Hans Hagen is heading the research group for Computer Graphics and   Computer Geometry at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and is   Scientific Director of the research lab Intelligent Visualization and   Simulation at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence   (DFKI). His research domains are geometric modeling and scientific    visualization.

6 Ebooks por Joachim Weickert

Reinhard Klette & Ryszard Kozera: Geometric Properties for Incomplete Data
Computer vision and image analysis require interdisciplinary collaboration between mathematics and engineering. This book addresses the area of high-accuracy measurements of length, curvature, motion …
Joachim Weickert & Hans Hagen: Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields
Matrix-valued data sets – so-called second order tensor fields – have gained significant importance in scientific visualization and image processing due to recent developments such as diffusion tenso …
Ron Kimmel & Nir Sochen: Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision
Welcome to the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scale-Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision. The scale-space concept was introduced by Iijima more than 40 years ago and became po …
Peter Johansen & Mads Nielsen: Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision, Scale-Space’99, held in Corfu, Greece, in September 1999.The 36 rev …
Matthias Hein & Bernt Schiele: Pattern Recognition
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 35th German Conference on Pattern Recognition, GCPR 2013, held in Saarbrucken, Germany, in September 2013. The 22 revised full papers and 18 revi …