Discover the secret to lifelong wealth and happiness!
Now in an expanded paperback second edition that includes an Attractor Factor IQ test, exercises for putting lessons into practice, new stories, and more, Dr. Joe Vitale presents his even more powerful and effective five-step plan for attracting wealth, happiness, and success to your life.
‘Whatever you want to attract to your life, Joe Vitale has the secret to make it happen. I highly recommend you get this book and get started today.’
-Morris Goodman, author of The Miracle Man
‘I got enough by the end of chapter one to create a major energy shift in my life! Joe’s easy, direct, and knowledgeable presentation allowed me to embrace important principles effortlessly.’
-Dee Wallace, actress and star of E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
‘Joe Vitale not only appeared in The Secret, he is one of the few who knows and lives attraction! Contained in the five steps that Joe maps out in The Attractor Factor are the keys to endless abundance. This book instructs on how to take control of your beliefs and focus, ultimately attracting the life of your dreams. If you just do what Joe tells you, you will create an abundance far beyond what you can currently imagine. The Attractor Factor is the secret that The Secret doesn’t tell you.’
-David Schirmer, wealth coach and star of The Secret
‘Just when you think you understand how the world works, Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He’s engaging, entertaining, enlightening, and, oh boy, does he ever stretch your thinking.’
-Ian Percy, registered psychiatrist and member of the U.S. and Canadian public speakers halls of fame
‘This book has the potential to change humanity.’
-Dr. Rick Barrett, author of Healed by Morning
Tabela de Conteúdo
Foreword (Dr. Robert Anthony).
Preface. The Author’s True Confession.
Chapter 1. Miracles Never Stop.
Chapter 2. What’s Your Attractor Factor IQ?
Chapter 3. An Attractor Factor Case Study.
Chapter 4. The Truth About the Law of Attraction.
Chapter 5. The Proof.
Chapter 6. What Are You Dismissing?
Chapter 7. How to Attract Money.
Chapter 8. It Can Be Another Way.
Chapter 9. A Shortcut to Attracting Whatever You Want.
Chapter 10. An Introduction to the Attractor Factor.
Chapter 11. What’s Your Prosperity IQ?
Chapter 12. Step One: The Springboard.
Chapter 13. Step Two: Dare Something Worthy.
Chapter 14. Step Three: The Missing Secret.
Chapter 15. Step Four: Nevillize Your Goal.
Chapter 16. Step Five: The Ultimate Secret.
Chapter 17. The Million Dollar Secret Formula.
Chapter 18. The Shocking True Story of Jonathan.
Chapter 19. The Experiment: Intentional Meditation Foundation.
Chapter 20. Common Questions (with Answers).
About the Author.
Special Offer.
Beyond the Attractor Factor.
Sobre o autor
JOE VITALE is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., a marketing consulting firm. He has been called ‘the Buddha of the Internet’ for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. He was featured in the bestselling film, The Secret, and is also the author of Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, The E-Code, There’s a Customer Born Every Minute, Zero Limits, and The Key, all from Wiley. For more information, see