John Bowlby. Conocido psicólogo y psiquiatra inglés autor de la teoría del apego. Abraza el énfasis psicoanalítico sobre la importancia de los primeros años del desarrollo emocional saludable en niños. A partir de sus estudios e investigaciones llega a la conclusión de que este modelo se centra en exceso en las fantasías internas y descuida la importancia de las primeras experiencias del niño con sus padres, es decir las interacciones con ellos.
13 Ebooks por John Bowlby
John Bowlby: Milan Seminar
This edited book contains a hitherto unpublished seminar held by the author in Milan, Italy in 1985. The seminar is preceded by a foreword by Kate White, of the Bowlby Centre, and by an introduction …
John Bowlby: Milan Seminar
This edited book contains a hitherto unpublished seminar held by the author in Milan, Italy in 1985. The seminar is preceded by a foreword by Kate White, of the Bowlby Centre, and by an introduction …
John Bowlby & George Catlin: War and Democracy
Originally published in 1938, this book consists of a group of papers considering widely different subjects, but all bearing upon one social problem – the causation and prevention of war. The authors …
John Bowlby & George Catlin: War and Democracy
Originally published in 1938, this book consists of a group of papers considering widely different subjects, but all bearing upon one social problem – the causation and prevention of war. The authors …
John Bowlby: A Secure Base
As Bowlby himself points out in his introduction to this seminal childcare book, to be a successful parent means a lot of very hard work. Giving time and attention to children means sacrificing other …
John Bowlby: A Secure Base
As Bowlby himself points out in his introduction to this seminal childcare book, to be a successful parent means a lot of very hard work. Giving time and attention to children means sacrificing other …
John Bowlby: The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds
Helping both parents and psychologists to arrive at a better understanding of the inner emotional world of the infant, this selection of key lectures by Bowlby includes the seminal one that gives the …
John Bowlby: The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds
Helping both parents and psychologists to arrive at a better understanding of the inner emotional world of the infant, this selection of key lectures by Bowlby includes the seminal one that gives the …
John Bowlby: Personality and Mental Illness
This is Volume II in a collection of nineteen on Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Originally published in 1940, it presents an essay on psychiatric diagnosis. …
John Bowlby: Personality and Mental Illness
This is Volume II in a collection of nineteen on Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Originally published in 1940, it presents an essay on psychiatric diagnosis. …
John Bowlby: Vínculos afectivos: formación, desarrollo y pérdida
La teoría del apego explica cómo el ser huma no desde su nacimiento necesita desarrollar una relación con al menos un cuidador principal con el objetivo de que su desarrollo social y emocional se pro …
John Bowlby: Bindung als sichere Basis
Wie wächst ein Kind zu einem gesunden, ausgeglichenen und selbstsicheren Menschen heran? Die sichere Bindung an die Eltern ist die Basis, von der aus Kinder die Welt erkunden und sich entwickeln. Mis …
John Bowlby: Bindung als sichere Basis
Wie wächst ein Kind zu einem gesunden, ausgeglichenen und selbstsicheren Menschen heran? Die sichere Bindung an die Eltern ist die Basis, von der aus Kinder die Welt erkunden und sich entwickeln. Mis …