This volume presents innovative work on innovative methods, tools and practices aimed at supporting the transition of Asian and Middle Eastern cities and regions towards a more smart and sustainable dimension. The role of the built and urban environment are becoming more pronounced in Asia and Middle East as the regions continues to experience rapid increase in population and urbanisation, which have only led to an increase in environmental degradation but also rise in energy consumption and emissions. Individual chapters covers timely topics such as sustainable infrastructure, transportation, renewable energy, water and methods supporting an innovative and sustainable development of urban areas. Real-world examples are presented to highlight recent developments and advancements in design, construction and transportation infrastructures. This volume is part of the proceedings of the 1st Geo MEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2017.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1 The Iron Triangle of Projects Management: Quality, Schedule and Cost of Road Infrastructure Projects in Egypt.- 2 Amaravati – A City Reborn, Journey towards a World-Class Smart City.- 3 Improving Sustainable Construction Practices through Facility Management.- 4 Implementing Tilt-up Method for Sustainable Construction.- 5 ‘Mission for the Sanitary India: A case study of Aligarh City’ Uttar Pradesh, India.
Sobre o autor
Editors asked to submit their biographies! Dr John Kaiser S. Calautit,
2011 – 2013 Ph.D in Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Dissertation Topic: The Application of Low Energy Technology Within the Built Environment
2006 – 2010 BEng Hons (Class I) in Mechanical Engineering Graduate, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Dissertation Topic: Numerical Investigation into the feasibility of integrating wind tower into residential buildings in the UAE.
Employment History:
2016 – 2017 Assistant Professor in Building Services Engineering, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham
2015 – 2016 Senior Research Fellow: Energy2050, University of Sheffield 2013 – 2015 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds (Thermal Comfort of Spectators and Players in Qatari Stadiums, Qatar National Research Fund 6th Cycle, NPRP 6-461-2-188)
2011 – 2013 Ph D Student (Research Assistant): School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, UK (Integration of Passive Ventilation and Novel Cooling Systems for Reducing Air Conditioning Loads in Buildings, Qatar National Research Fund 3rd Cycle, NPRP 09-138-2-059)
2010 – 2011 Mechanical Engineer: Gietart Middle East, UAE
Fernanda Rodrigues,
Ph D in Civil Engineering by Universidade of Aveiro also holds a specialization in BIM Management. Is the responsible and lecturer of the curricular unities of: Site Construction Management and Legal Requirements, Construction Management and Safety Coordination, and Construction Modeling (BIM) in the Civil Engineering Department of University of Aveiro. Assessment of buildings’ deterioration state, development of a methodology to evaluate the deterioration /maintenance condition of buildings, energy efficiency of buildings, Facility Management and Building Information Modeling are some of the fields of her research. She is author and co-author of various publications in National and International Scientific Journals and Conferences.
Dr Hassam Nasarullah Chaudhry,
1. PGCAP, Heriot-Watt University, June 2016
2. Ph.D., University of Leeds, January 2014
3. BEng (Hons. – Class I). Heriot-Watt University, November 2010
Professional Recognition:
1. Associate Editor of Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Imprint: Springer – ISSN: 2364-4176 (print), ISSN: 2364-4184 (electronic)
2. Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Imprint: CIP – ISSN: 2374-5398 (electronic)
3. Research Associate for Qatar National Research Fund 3rd Cycle project (NPRP 09-138-2-059) Project value: $1, 050, 000
4. Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in ‘Health and Safety in the Workplace’, Leeds, U.K., 2013
5. ‘Excellence in Engineering’ award from Wood Group Production Facilities, Aberdeen, AB12 3AX, Scotland, U.K., 2009 and 2010
Haşim Altan, Ph D,
• PGCE, 2008, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK
• Ph D, 2004, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK
• MArch, 1998, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK • Dip Arch, 1997, Department of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Turke
Academic Experience
• Associate Professor & Chairman – University of Sharjah, UAE [2016-Present]
• Adjunct Professor – Canadian University Dubai, UAE [2015-16] • Associate Professor (Reader) – British University in Dubai, UAE [2014-16]
• Honorary Lecturer (Fellow) – Cardiff University, UK [2014-17]
• Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) – University of Sheffield, UK [2008-14]
• Postdoctoral Research Associate (Fellow) – Universityof Sheffield, UK [2004-08] • Associate Lecturer – University of Lincoln, UK [2007-10]
• Associate Lecturer – Sheffield Hallam University, UK [2006-10]
• Visiting Professor – Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic [2008-13]