A classic guide to the art of printing, covering the intricate mechanical operations and fascinating history of the letter press.
First published in 1876, this comprehensive manual is a useful and instructive guide to letter-press printing. Covering a variety of printed products, such as newspapers and books, Joseph Gould gives an extensive overview of this forgotten art.
The chapters featured in this volume include:
- Names of Various Sizes of Books
- Diagrams of Impositions
- Music Composition
- Casting off Copy
- Colour Printing
- Greek and Hebrew
- Printers’ Correction Marks
Old Hand Books is proudly republishing this volume in a new edition, featuring an introduction on the history of letter-press printing and typography by John Southward.
Tabela de Conteúdo
An Essay on Printing by William Morris, Preface, Historical Introduction by John Southward, Book-Work, Imposition, Companionships, Names of Various Sizes of Books, Diagrams of Impositions, Furniture, Job-Work, Music Composition, Casting-off Copy, Estimates, News-Work, Press-Work, Machine-Work, Colour Printing, Damping Paper, Casting Rollers, &c., Washing Formes, Stereotyping, Technical Terms, Compositor’s Wages in London, Useful Tables, Useful Receipts, &c.