Bachelor Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Sociology – Children and Youth, , language: English, abstract: The purpose of this research was to find out the effects of substance abuse on antisocial behaviours of youth in Accra. The main instrument used for the collection of data was the survey research method. A simple random sample technique was used in the selection of 100 participants ranging between the ages of 13-24 years using both descriptive and inferential
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Sociology – Children and Youth, , language: English, abstract: The purpose of this research was to find out the effects of substance abuse on antisocial behaviours of youth in Accra. The main instrument used for the collection of data was the survey research method. A simple random sample technique was used in the selection of 100 participants ranging between the ages of 13-24 years using both descriptive and inferential
statistics in analysing data.
Substance abuse has been linked to anti-social behaviours, depression, conduct problems, personality disorders, suicidal thoughts and learning disability. In the USA, males under the ages of 18 years arrested for drug offenses had the highest rate of positive substance tests when compared to young people arrested for other criminal offences. However, a substantial rate of illicit substance use was also found among youth who committed violence and other crimes. It is noted that adolescents who abuse alcohol and other substances usually withdraw from school and community activities thereby depriving their families, friends and communities of the positive impacts they might otherwise have made.
The findings of the research indicated that substance abuse does have a significant influence or effect on anti-social behaviours of adolescents in Accra. Analysis revealed that there is a significant difference between males and females with regards to anti-social behaviours. Moreover, the frequency of substance abuse correlated positively with anti-social behaviours.
It is therefore recommended that counselling departments and clinical psychologists departments should be established in order for young people to seek professional assistance in dealing with strong emotions associated with antisocial behaviours. These departments will enable both counsellors and psychologists to function effectively in helping youth in the country to better handle strong emotions associated with substance abuse and antisocial behaviours, thereby helping them to better cope with peers, friends, family members and he community at large.