Now in its fourth edition, Surfactants and Interfacial
Phenomena explains why and how surfactants operate in
interfacial processes (such as foaming, wetting, emulsion formation
and detergency), and shows the correlations between a surfactant’s
chemical structure and its action.
Updated and revised to include more modern information, along
with additional three chapters on Surfactants in Biology and
Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Surfactants, and Molecular
Modeling with Surfactant Systems, this is the premier text on the
properties and applications of surfactants.
This book provides an easy-to-read, user-friendly resource for
industrial chemists and a text for classroom use, and is an
unparalleled tool for understanding and applying the latest
information on surfactants. Problems are included at
the end of each chapter to enhance the reader’s
understanding, along with many tables of data that are not compiled
elsewhere. Only the minimum mathematics is used in the
explanation of topics to make it easy-to-understand and very user
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Characteristic Features of Surfactants
2. Adsorption of Surface-Active Agents at Interfaces: The Electrical Double Layer
3. Micelle Formation by Surfactants
4. Solubilization by Solutions of Surfactants: Micellar Catalysis
5. Reduction of Surface and Interfacial Tension by Surfactants
6. Wetting and Its Modification by Surfactants
7. Foaming and Antifoaming by Aqueous Solutions of Surfactants
8. Emulsification by Surfactants
9. Dispersion and Aggregation of Solids in Liquid Media by Surfactants
10. Detergency and Its Modification by Surfactants
11. Molecular Interactions and Synergism in Mixture of Two Surfactants
12. Gemini Surfactants
13. Surfactants in Biology
14. Surfactants in Nanotechnology
15. Surfactants and Molecular Modeling
Answers to Selected Problems
Sobre o autor
Milton J. Rosen, Ph D, is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. He is also the
Director (ret.) of the university’s Surfactant Research Institute,
a pioneering organization that he founded in 1987.
Joy T. Kunjappu, Ph D, DSc, is a chemistry educator, consultant,
and former Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and Brooklyn
College. His areas of research interest include surfactant and
surface science, organic chemistry, and photochemistry.