In this Workouts For Home: 5 Minute Yoga Workouts For Home Yoga Routine For Beginners compilation of 2 Yoga workouts books, Alecandra Baldec & Juliana Baldec are combining: 11 Yoga Poses For Beginners You Wish You Knew & The Daily Yoga Ritual Lifestyle. This is what the two sisters love about Yoga: Hi to all Yoga beginners! You will soon love Yoga, too! Inside my beginning yoga poses book you will learn how a Yoga beginner can take lots of benefits out of these simple yoga poses for beginners compilation. This compilation of the 11 most beneficial beginners yoga poses reveals my top favorite yoga posture and positions. I have instructed and trained thousands of yoga practitioners. I have added a second Yoga book for beginners to this compilation to make it the most valuable package for you as a Yoga beginner! I have always been about soul & spirit searching, flexibility & the modern lifestyle that I like to combine with the benefits and the power of the yoga discipline…
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Alecandra Baldec: Meditation has made quite a comeback in recent years as more and more individuals start to realize the benefits that they can accrue from doing this low impact form of exercise. For Alecandra all started when she saw her aunt practicing meditation every day after she had a heart attack. As curiosity got the better of Alecandra she asked her aunt why she was doing this daily meditation ritual and was told that it was the best way to get the mind in sync with her body. Juliana Baldec: I work intensively with finding the right words for my poems until all is completed and cohesive and flowing from one line to the next line, which allows me to really sink into the meanings and keep a consistent voice of my writing. I have been blessed and enriched and now I am strong enough to give back and share my love for meditation with the world in ‘Zen Is Like You.’ May you get in touch with your Zen because ‘Zen Is Like You’ Wishing you all the spiritual freedom, inner peace & strength you need to find Your Bliss & Zen! – Juliana Baldec