Julie Federico
Domestic Violence Expert
Sobre o autor
Julie Federico is a prevention expert who writes children’s books on; child abuse, domestic violence, school violence prevention, friendship, and race relations. All of her books are a must-read for every child. Julie takes complex social problems and breaks them down into language that even the youngest of readers can understand. Her books are for readers 0-9 years old. Each book is the tip of the iceberg when discussing the issue. Julie opens the door and explains difficult topics in a friendly, non-threatening way. She uses language to protect children and keep them from harm and danger. Parents will appreciate her straightforward message, kids will appreciate her laid-back approach to the most difficult of topics. All of her books are illustrated in a welcoming fish theme. Two of her seven books have been translated into Spanish. ‘Anger is OKAY, Violence is NOT, ” written by Julie Federico and illustrated by Glori Alexander, is a thoughtful, much-needed addition to pre-school teachers’ and social workers’ libraries. With vibrant, TV-cartoon-like illustrations and simple, direct text appropriate for even the youngest children, this picture book explores the complexity and vitality of anger, and when it is appropriately expressed and when it is not. True emotional intelligence is something recognized and respected but rarely taught and discussed, even among adults. The goal of this worthy project is to engage children in a safe, non-threatening exploration of complicated, often-frightening feelings. Federico lets kids know that anger is normal, though managing its expression can be complicated. Clear language and child-friendly art invite a direct, straightforward examination of when anger is appropriate and how to safely express it through art, physical activity, tears. What’s not OK is hitting, biting, throwing, and hurting. The book gently and clearly reminds its vulnerable audience that adults can find the journey just as tricky as children do. If an adult hurts a child or someone they love, Federico instructs her young readers that telling a trusted adult is a safe and right action for them to take.’ ~ Book Review by Blue Ink Review Julie Federico Domestic Violence Expertwww.juliefederico.com