The integration and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in African countries is increasingly observable in various sectors of activity (banking, education, trade, etc.) despite a digital divide still relevant. ICT has become a major sector of the recent growth of a new informal economy in African cities (Cheneau-Loquay, 2008). This question has been at the heart of various international meetings. An overall positive and even utopian momentum is generally heard about the contribution of digital technologies to the development of African states. The adoption or appropriation of digital technologies by Africans is presented in many speeches by politicians or institutions involved in the field of cooperation and international development as an important issue for the development of this continent. These different considerations give rise to reflections on the following themes.
– Social Media and Public Space in Africa
– Challenges of the digital economy in Africa
– ICT and modernization of higher education in Africa
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Social media and public space in Africa2. Challenges of the digital economy in Africa3. ICT and modernization of higher education in Africa
Sobre o autor
ATCHOUA N’Guessan Julien, Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Cocody, Abidjan.
BOGUI Maomra Jean-Jacques, Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Cocody, Abidjan.
DIALLO Saikou, Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center.