Dr. K. Sahayaraj is Associate Professor and Director of Crop Protection Research Centre at St. Xavier’s College affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu, India. He has been awarded University Fifth Rank in M.Sc. by Madurai Kamaraj University in 1987. He has been teaching Zoology including Entomology to undergraduate and post-graduate students for more than 21 years. Dr. Sahayaraj has published four books and one proceeding on Ecofriendly Insect Pest Management. He has more than 173 publications, including original research papers, book chapters and popular articles in insect ecology, behavior, biology and physiology, as well as numerous papers on biological control efficacy of reduviidae, botanicals and fungal pathogens. Over the past 25 years, Dr. Sahayaraj’s research efforts have been dedicated to multidisciplinary, integrated approaches in understanding how reduviidae distribute and diversify in various ecosystems, and how their adaptive characters can be applied to pest management, especially through biointensive pest management. He has operated 10 research projects funded by national (DST, DBT, CSIR, MOEs) and international (IFS) funding agencies, and now he has been operating MEFs funded project. Recently, he has been publishing an international journal, namely Journal of Biopesticides (ISSN 0976-0341X).
6 Ebooks por K. Sahayaraj
K. Sahayaraj: Basic and Applied Aspects of Biopesticides
Currently, the major challenge of humanity is focused on population growth through agricultural production in order to meet the demand for food. The food crunch is mainly due to pest and disease. Tra …
K. Sahayaraj & R. Balasubramanian: Artificial Rearing of Reduviid Predators for Pest Management
This eye-opening book focuses on the development of techniques to mass-produce reduviid predators and important generalist predators, an endeavor that won’t prove sufficient if the cost of commercial …
K. Sahayaraj & S Sujatha: Temperature-Dependent Biology and Physiology of Reduviids
This new book examines current research on biology, linear developmental model and biological control efficiency. The book draws heavily from insect physiology as the base of knowledge of these field …
J. Francis Borgio & K Sahayaraj: Microbial Insecticides
The field of microbial insecticides encompasses the highly diverse life forms bacteria, fungi, nematodes and viruses. They play an essential role in the management of pests in cultivated crops and pl …
Fedor Nikitin & Losif Sidorov: Advances in Polymer Research
In this book the authors present recent advances in polymer research. Topics discussed include polymer composite materials with photosensitive bis-crown-ether dye; organometallic polyamines as physic …
Reiner Buchhorn: 24 Hour Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRV) in Childhood
Based upon the hypothesis that prognosis in childhood heart failure depends on autonomic dysfunction, the author introduced a new heart failure model and a medical therapy with beta-blockers in 1996. …