In this timely volume, prestigious contributors incorporate new knowledge from general psychology into a more comprehensive and accessible view of emotion in adult development and aging. The first chapter sets the stage by providing an overview of emotion across the entire life-span. Subsequent chapters examine and consider thought-provoking themes including: how feelings are used in interpersonal communication across the years of adulthood; the linkage between stressful life events and the occurrence of disease; and the changes in emotional intensity and emotional understanding as we age. This volume is essential for general psychologists, gerontologists, researchers, and geriatric practitioners desiring to better their understanding of their older patients and clients.
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Tabela de Conteúdo
Forthcoming Contents, Volume 18
Emotions and Self-Concepts Across the Life Span, Carroll E. Izard and Brian P. Ackerman Psychophysiology of Emotion Across the Life Span, Jon T. Cacioppo, Gary G. Berntson, David J. Klein, and Kirsten M. Poehlmann The Independence of Affects Is Context-Dependent: An Integrative Model of the Relationship Between Positive and Negative Affect, Alex J. Zautra, Phillip T. Potter, and Jon W. Reich The Interpersonal Basis of Emotional Behavior and Emotion Regulation in Adulthood, Carol Magai and Vicki Passman Does Stress-Emotion Cause Illness in Elderly People?, Howard Leventhal, Linda Patrick-Miller, Elaine A. Leventhal, and Edith A. Burns Emotion and Control: A Life-Span Perspective, Richard Schulz and Jutta Heckhausen Cognitive-Emotional Integration in Adulthood, Gisela Labouvie-Vief The Role of Emotion in Social Cognitive Across the Adult Life Span, Fredda Blanchard-Fields Aging and the Plasticity of the Self, Don M. Tucker and Richard E. Desmond JR. Emotional Well-Being in Adult and Later Life Among African Americans: A Cultural and Sociocultural Perspective, Peggye Dilworth-Anderson Subjective Well-Being and Age: An International Analysis, Ed Diener and Mark Eunkook Suh The Social Context of Emotional Experience, Laura L. Carstensen, James J. Gross, and Helen H. Fung Index