Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, D. Litt. [FIETE, SMIEEE, SMACM, SMIETI, LMCSI, LMOSI, LMISTE, MIET (UK), MIAENG, MIRSS, MIAASSE, MCSTA, MIDES, MISSIP] did his BS, B. Tech. and M. Tech. from University of Calcutta in 1995, 1998 and 2000 respectively. He completed Ph D (Engg.) from Jadavpur University in 2008. He is the recipient of several awards like Distinguished Ho D Award and Distinguished Professor Award (both 2017) and ICT Educator of the Year (2017). He is a Distinguished Speaker of ACM, USA for 2018-2020. He is currently the Principal of RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India. He is a co-author of 4 books, co-editor of 10 books and has more than 190 research publications.
Anirbhan Mukherjee is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Science and Management of RCC Institute of Information Technology, India. He did his BE from Jadavpur University in 1994 and PDOM from IGNOU, New Delhi in 1998. He completed his Ph D (Engg.) IIEST, Shibpur in 2014. He has over 18 years of teaching and 10 years of research experience. He has published 4 journal papers, 2 book chapters, 9 conference publications, and 19 books (including 2 text books for UG engineering and 16 co-authored books for 6 Universities of India on Computer Graphics & Multimedia).
Hrishikesh Bhaumik is currently serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technology at RCCIIT. Hrishikesh did his BS from Calcutta University in 1997, AMIE in 2000 and M. Tech. from BE College, Shibpur in 2004. He is with RCCIIT for more than thirteen years. He received several sponsorships from ICTP, Italy and acted as a major contributor to the EUIndia Grid project during 2010 to 2012. Hrishikesh has acted as a coordinator and resource person in several AICTE/ISTE sponsored workshops held in different parts of the India. He was previously the Head of Dept. of IT at RCCIIT.
Swagatam Das is currently an assistant professor at the ECSU of Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Dr. Das has published one research monograph, one edited volume, and more than 150 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. He is the founding co-editor-in-chief of Elsevier journal Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. He serves as associate editors of the IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE Access, Neurocomputing, Information Sciences, and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. He is the recipient of the 2012 Young Engineer Award from the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE).Dr. Das has 7500+ Google Scholar citations and an H-index of 44 till date.
Kaori Yoshida studied Electrics and Computer Engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology and received her bachelor and master degree. From 1996 to 1999, she has worked as intern at Electrotechnical Laboratory, AIST, MITI in Tsukuba city, Japan. She has conducted a JSPS Research Fellowship from 1998 and achieved doctoral degree at Kyushu Institute of Technology in 1999. She is currently an Associate Professor in Dept. of Brain Science and Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology. Her research interests include Kansei Information Processing, Human Computer Interaction and Soft Computing. She has published more than 100 research papers in these fields.
1 Ebooks por Kaori Yoshida
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya & Anirban Mukherjee: Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing
This book contains interesting findings of some state-of-the-art research in the field of signal and image processing. It contains twenty one chapters covering a wide range of signal processing appli …