An engagement with the huge growth in neomedievalism forms the core of this volume, with other essays testing its conclusions.
Following on from previous issues, this volume continues to explore definitions of neomedievalism and its relationship to traditional medievalism. In four essays that open the volume, Harry Brown, Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, David W. Marshall, and Nils Holger Petersen underscore the elusive nature of distinctions between the two fields, particularly when assessing contemporary film, music, and electronic media. Seven articles then test the need for these distinctions, on subject matter ranging from Sir Walter Scott as a historian; M. E. Braddon’s gendered medievalism; friendship models in Mary Elizabeth Haweis’s Chaucer for Children; Jorge Luis Borges’s Northern interests; medieval practices in Ellis Peters’s Cadfael novels; innovative exhibits at the Museum of Wolframs-Eschenbach; and Celtic patterns in modern tattoos. Theory and practice are thus juxtaposed once again in a volume that is certain to fuel a central debate in not one but two of the fastest growing areas of academia.
Contributors: Harry Brown, Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, David W. Marshall, Nils Holger Petersen, Mark B. Spencer, Megan L. Morris, Karla Knutson, Vladimir Brljak, Alan T. Gaylord, Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Maggie M. Williams
Tabela de Conteúdo
Editorial Note –
Baphomet Incorporated, A Case Study in Neomedievalism – Harry Brown
[Re]producing [Neo]medievalism – Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick
Neomedievalism, Identification, and the Haze of Medievalisms – David W. Marshall
Medieval Resurfacings, Old and New – Nils Holger Petersen
Quentin Durward and Louis XI: Sir Walter Scott as Historian – Mark B. Spencer
Chivalric Terrors: The Gendered Perils of Medievalism in M. E. Braddon’s
Lady Audley’s Secret – Megan Morris
‘Lessons Fairer than Flowers’: Mary Elizabeth Haweis’s
Chaucer for Children and Models of Friendship – Karla Knutson
Borges and the North – Vladimir Brljak
O Rare Ellis Peters: Two Rules for Medieval Murder – Alan T. Gaylord
Performing Medieval Literature and/as History: The Museum of Wolframs-Eschenbach – Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand
Celtic Tattoos: Ancient, Medieval, and Postmodern – Maggie Williams
Notes on Contributors
Sobre o autor
KELLYANN FITZPATRICK is an affiliated researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology.