Autor: Katarzyna Nowak

Sonia Front received her PhD in 2007 from the University of Silesia, Poland. She has published on contemporary cinema and English literature. She teaches English Literature and Culture. Her research interests include postmodernism in literature, and the employment of quantum physics in literature and film. In 2009 she published Transgressing Boundaries in Jeanette Winterson”s Fiction.Katarzyna Nowak is Assistant Professor at the Department of English, University of Wroclaw, Poland, where she teaches American Literature and Culture. Her recent publications include Melancholic Travelers: Autonomy, Hybridity and the Maternal and papers on postcolonial literature and theory, gender studies and opera studies.

5 Ebooks por Katarzyna Nowak

Karolina Kasprzak & Roman Kawecki: 12 kropel życia
„ 12 kropel życia ” to książka oparta na autentycznych faktach, której celem jest  przybliżenie codziennego życia osoby pozbawionej zmysłu wzroku. Jej autorami są: Karolina Kasprzak , Katarzyna …
Sonia Front & Katarzyna Nowak: Interiors
The essays gathered in the present collection provide textual explorations of the theoretical borderland between interiors and exteriors, undertaken from a variety of perspectives and representing va …
Katarzyna Nowak: Kingdom of Barracks
After World War II displaced more than sixty million people, Cold War politics opened global eyes and wallets to European displaced persons. The postwar experiences of more than three million forcibl …